This book is not intended for women, even though they are the main characters in it. The author is referring to men and their friends and allies and encourage them to be what they are - sort of a mirror, without which there would be a women challenging about even bigger question, who they are themselves. Maybe readers will recognize the value of the book otherwise, but for me it is in addition to innovation, fun and immediacy the author gave at least one more positive message: Each man has an insecure teenager and a teenager who is worthy of self - respect and has a huge value to offer the world and women. Martin Bertok Teacher and supervisor of Transactional Analysis, Psychotherapy
This book is not intended for women, even though they are the main characters in it. The author is referring to men and their friends and allies and encourage them to be what they are - sort of a mirror, without which there would be a women challenging about even bigger question, who they are themselves. Maybe readers will recognize the value of the book otherwise, but for me it is in addition to innovation, fun and immediacy the author gave at least one more positive message: Each man has an insecure teenager and a teenager who is worthy of self - respect and has a huge value to offer the world and women. Martin Bertok Teacher and supervisor of Transactional Analysis, Psychotherapy