The country has been routed of any good paying jobs with a world ready to accommodate at very low cost. Every product distributed nationwide is made in other countries primary China and even the high quality customer experience received is provided from a foreign country at a faction of the cost. The future of the economy looks grim in a very fast escalating world population looking to help themselves to everything America has to offer through the wealthy handlers of the economy. Is it even possible to salvage any hope of a future for our children?
The country has been routed of any good paying jobs with a world ready to accommodate at very low cost. Every product distributed nationwide is made in other countries primary China and even the high quality customer experience received is provided from a foreign country at a faction of the cost. The future of the economy looks grim in a very fast escalating world population looking to help themselves to everything America has to offer through the wealthy handlers of the economy. Is it even possible to salvage any hope of a future for our children?