Xinxii Gd Publishing: 1097 books

Cover of Louisa und ihre kleine Freundin
by Doreen Hase
Language: German
Release Date: January 1, 2017

Louisa kommt durch tragische Umstände ins Heim, dort lernt sie ihre Freundin Katrin kennen. Katrin wird von einem anderen Mädchen geärgert und Louisa und Katrin Freunden sich an. Als Louisa ihre Tante kennenlernt, ziehen Louisa und Katrin nach Amerika.
Cover of Die Barmherzige
by Charly Kappel
Language: German
Release Date: May 1, 2014

Was macht ein Mann der nach oben will? Er sucht sich eine einflussreiche Geliebte und mit deren Hilfe versucht er nach oben zu kommen. Intelligenz ist dabei schon hilfreich, aber noch lange nicht alles. Der gute Mann braucht auch Freunde und Unterstützer, ganz alleine, nur im Bett seiner Geliebten,...
Cover of Attersee
by A+K Weltenbummler
Language: German
Release Date: November 1, 2003

Das Salzkammergut ist eine herrliche Landschaft mit immer wieder aufregenden Ausblicken, die den Besucher in seinen Bann ziehen. Hallstadt liegt am gleichnamigen See. Dort sahen wir uns die Salzwelten an. Mit der Seilbahn lässt man sich auf den Berg bringen, von wo aus man einen herrlichen Blick über...
Cover of Lanzarote
by A+K Weltenbummler
Language: German
Release Date: March 1, 2015

Eine Vulkaninsel par excellence, vor allem dank des kreativen Wirkens von Cesar Manrique. Er hat unglaubliche und einzigartige Orte in der Vulkanlandschaft geschaffen, wie seine Wohnung direkt in einem Lavastrom. Es gibt keine Bausünden auf der Insel und der Naturschutz wird groß geschrieben. Das Bild...
Cover of Cheerleader In Heat
by Toby Moretz
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2016

Read this taboo tale of a Cheerleader in Heat. Excerpt: There was one thing that Jeff Johnson had to admit. His girlfriend Cindy looked darn good when she was naked. He saw that again now-now that she stood in front of him and lifted her arms and ran her fingers through her cute, blonde hair. "Oh,...
Cover of Sky Fishing
by Craig L. Andrews
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2015

ALIENS AND COWBOYS MEET RACHEL AND HER RIFLE. Rachel Masterson, an aggressive investigative reporter from the city who's interested only in facts, takes a temporary mission to track down Neville Peterson, a colleague who failed to return from the same assignment and seems somehow to be involved with...
Cover of The True Jesus
by Apostle Taye Huzzein Alade
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2017

THE HIGHEST REVELATION OF THE TRUE GOD UNVEILED! RETHINK AND REPENT FOR THE TRUE KINGDOM OF GOD HAS COME!! THE CURRENT GLOBAL WARMING IS A GLOBAL WARNING INDEED!!! “21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord (or Jesus, Jesus - that is to judge all men - John 5:22) shall ENTER into the...
Cover of Alfarero de Cuentos
by Luis Carlos Molina Acevedo
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 1, 2015

Alfarero de Cuentos, emerge del mundo joven. En una ciudad asfixiante llena de riesgos. El asfalto aprisiona el alma. Cualquier escape es bueno. Sustancias extrañas invaden los cuerpos. La realidad es insoportable. Hay nuevos mundos imaginarios para explorar. Madres y padres se escandalizan. Es la...
Cover of Oscares al Desnudo
by Luis Carlos Molina Acevedo
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 1, 2015

Oscares al Desnudo, es un homenaje al cine desde la narrativa. Recrea la premiación imaginaria a la mejor película en la categoría de Mejor Vestuario. El teatro donde se desarrolla el evento y la presentadora del mismo, se convierten en los grandes protagonistas de esta historia. Mediante la ayuda...
Cover of Don't be Afraid
by Maremerchant
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2015

A Town tries to stay alive back in the late 1600's. It receives an unwelcome visit from Hell. A stagecoach filled with 3 Notorious Dark Demon Outlaws ride into Tombstone Illinois. These same men were found guilty by Marshals. They were hung by the neck until dead. Then Buried in the Town Graveyard on...
Cover of The State of the Union
by Jessie O. Roland
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2016

Washington D. C. is destroyed by a nuclear weapon during the State of the Union Address. The enemy has attacked when America is most vulnerable. However one cabinet member is required to be in a secure location to ensure the rules of succession to the presidency. Meet Lewis MacDonald, a devout family...
Cover of Grave Guardian,2
by Maremerchant
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2015

The last Book in its Series number 6. It is filled with watery eyed creatures green mermaids blue mermen. Giant anacondas that swim after they are accidentally unleashed from behind a massive door beneath the lake Two large gargoyles intervene in the process. They will confront the armies that remained...
Cover of Soul Man
by Ronald Paxton
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2015

A DARK FORCE STALKS SHENANDOAH MOUNTAIN LAKE AND PEOPLE ARE DYING AND THERE'S NO END IN SIGHT. A deadly menace stalks the placid shores of Shenandoah Mountain Lake. A serial killer is on the loose and the bodies are piling up. The residents of Shenandoah County are terrified, afraid to leave their homes...
Cover of 31 Dias para você ser feliz
by Juliano Rodrigues
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: May 1, 2017

Mudar completamente o cenário da sua vida, de cinza para colorido é possível. A felicidade existe e você pode obtê-la com toda certeza. Descubra neste livro 31 atitudes simples que irão gerar felicidade em sua vida, e como colocá-las em prática em seu cotidiano. Logo você irá colher...
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