Windy Dryden: 62 books

Book cover of 10 étapes pour une vie positive

10 étapes pour une vie positive

Améliorer ses relations personnelles et professionnelles, devenir plus ouvert et plus créatif, aborder l'avenir avec confiance…

by Windy Dryden
Language: French
Release Date: October 1, 2011

Chassez vos idées noires et prenez la vie du bon côté ! Pour retrouver le sourire, il faut apprendre à adopter un état d’esprit positif face aux situations de la vie. Dans ce livre, découvrez la méthode simple et efficace pour avoir confiance en vous, améliorer vos relations avec les autres,...
Book cover of Issues In Teaching Numeracy In Primary Schools
by Ian Thompson, Windy Dryden
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2010

Issues in Teaching Numeracy in Primary Schools, 2e presents an accessible guide to current British and Dutch research into numeracy teaching.
Book cover of The Historical and Philosophical Context of Rational Psychotherapy
by Windy Dryden, Arthur Still
Language: English
Release Date: March 22, 2018

This book brings together the papers written by the authors over the last fifteen years on the historical and philosophical foundations of Albert Ellis' Rational Psychotherapy (later Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, REBT) and its relationship to Stoicism, especially the later practical form represented...
Book cover of Understanding Psychological Health

Understanding Psychological Health

The REBT Perspective

by Windy Dryden
Language: English
Release Date: October 4, 2010

This book draws on Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) - which focuses on resolving emotional and behavioural problems and disturbances and enables people to lead happier and more fulfilling lives - to provide an understanding of psychological health. Each chapter looks at an important aspect...
Book cover of Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy

Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy

100 Key Points and Techniques

by Windy Dryden, Michael Neenan
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2014

Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) is practised all over the world and has many therapeutic, occupational and educational applications. Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy: 100 Key Points and Techniques presents 100 main features of this system, to help therapists improve their practice. These...
Book cover of Coping with Guilt
by Windy Dryden
Language: English
Release Date: April 18, 2013

Do you sometimes wish you could turn the clock back and re-live past mistakes? Do you feel it's your responsibility to make others happy? Are you more worried about hurting others than living your own life? Guilt is a common and destructive emotion, but, using the principles of C.B.T. this book shows...
Book cover of Ten Steps to Positive Living

Ten Steps to Positive Living

(Second Edition)

by Windy Dryden
Language: English
Release Date: September 18, 2014

Written in a typically practical and straightforward style, this popular book shows how to develop a truly positive outlook. These ten steps outline skills to help people to take control, be flexible, accept reality, develop self-acceptance, accept change and improve relationships. Steps may be followed...
Book cover of Coping with Manipulation
by Windy Dryden
Language: English
Release Date: January 3, 2012

This book focuses on the common situation when someone blames you for the way they feel. It explores the underlying reasons why others may refuse to take emotional responsibility for themselves, and looks at what you can do about it. It's possible to let people feel what they want to feel - and live at peace with them and with yourself.
Book cover of Coping with Envy
by Windy Dryden
Language: English
Release Date: February 15, 2011

Envy can be a surprising dynamic in close relationships. Sometimes this is positive and may energise people so that they accomplish more than they would otherwise have - the urge to prove oneself to one's nearest and dearest can result in great personal fulfilment. However, carried too far, there's...
Book cover of How to Come out of your Comfort Zone
by Windy Dryden
Language: English
Release Date: October 18, 2012

We all love comfort - but, psychologically, it can be a real trap, holding you back and keeping you stuck in dead-end situations. Using the principles of Rational Emotive Therapy, this book helps people deal with discomfort in life, with advice on how to get things done, achieve goals and overcome...
Book cover of Single-Session Therapy (SST)

Single-Session Therapy (SST)

100 Key Points and Techniques

by Windy Dryden
Language: English
Release Date: October 9, 2018

Even in one session a therapist can make a difference. Single Session Therapy: 100 Key Points and Techniques presents the 100 main features of this way of working, providing an accessible, succinct overview of this way of working, based on the author's extensive work demonstrating the effectiveness...
Book cover of Cognitive Therapy

Cognitive Therapy

100 Key Points and Techniques

by Michael Neenan, Windy Dryden
Language: English
Release Date: August 2, 2004

*Cognitive Therapy: 100 Key Points and Techniques *is a crisp, concise elaboration of the 100 main features of the most popular and best validated approach within the field of cognitive behaviour therapy. The 100 key points cover cognitive therapy theory and practice, and examine misconceptions about...
Book cover of The ABCs of REBT Revisited

The ABCs of REBT Revisited

Perspectives on Conceptualization

by Windy Dryden
Language: English
Release Date: November 9, 2012

​​​ ​The cornerstone of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy is its ABC framework which helps therapists make sense of clients' problems. As it turns out, however, this model is often misunderstood by both clients and professionals. Research investigation on this misunderstanding forms the basis...
Book cover of Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy

Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy

Distinctive Features

by Windy Dryden
Language: English
Release Date: December 8, 2014

Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) encourages the client to focus on their emotional problems in order to understand and change the irrational beliefs that underpin these problems.  Following on from the success of the first edition, this accessible guide introduces the reader to REBT while...
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