Speedy Publishing: 633 books

Book cover of Bible Terminology And Guide

Bible Terminology And Guide

Speedy Study Guides

by Speedy Publishing
Language: English
Release Date: September 29, 2014

Old Testament and New Testament Bible study guides are important to consult while engaging in serious Biblical studies because the modern Bible translations are all derived from three main ancient languages. These languages are Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic. Virtually every word in the Bible, its pronunciation,...
Book cover of Biology Terminology

Biology Terminology

Speedy Study Guides

by Speedy Publishing
Language: English
Release Date: September 24, 2014

Biological terminology can be complex and challenging. A terminology study guide puts a resource into the hands of the students, that helps master that challenge. The guide helps focus and bring to the forefront the information that is necessary without providing the esoteric information that can...
Book cover of Statistics Equations & Answers

Statistics Equations & Answers

Speedy Study Guides

by Speedy Publishing
Language: English
Release Date: August 29, 2014

A Statistics Equations & Answers Study Guide helps by allowing you to see various different answers and solutions to common and everyday questions that may arrive in a math focused setting. There are a couple of specific theories and formulas that allow you to find out various different statistics...
Book cover of Intellectual Property Laws USA

Intellectual Property Laws USA

Speedy Study Guides

by Speedy Publishing
Language: English
Release Date: September 17, 2014

No matter what segment of United States law you are studying, it can be difficult to keep it all straight. When it comes to intellectual property laws, learning how they work and how to follow them can be quite the headache. That´s why using an intellectual property laws study guide that is specifically...
Book cover of Antitrust Laws

Antitrust Laws

Speedy Study Guides

by Speedy Publishing
Language: English
Release Date: September 17, 2014

Thinking about going for that bar exam? Well, you might find that it takes some time to study for that. The way you will feel about yourself will be amazing. One part of the bar exam is the antitrust laws. Many who have taken this class say it's one of the hardest things to get. However, with the...
Book cover of Human Joints

Human Joints

Speedy Study Guides

by Speedy Publishing
Language: English
Release Date: September 9, 2014

With over 300 joints in the human body, identifying and memorizing each of them can be quite a chore. A Human Joints study guide helps memorize each joint, its location and function, so the information can be accessed quickly. The study guide does not have to be used as a memorization tool. It can...
Book cover of Geometric Formulas

Geometric Formulas

Speedy Study Guides

by Speedy Publishing
Language: English
Release Date: September 4, 2014

There is no doubt about the fact that our daily lives consistently revolve around mathematics. Whether one knows it or not, just about everything that is seen and felt throughout the day involves some kind of math. The study of geometry can give students a better understanding of how buildings, furniture,...
Book cover of Bible Characters

Bible Characters

Old Testament (Speedy Study Guides)

by Speedy Publishing
Language: English
Release Date: January 29, 2015

A good Bible Characters study guide helps students to remember and understand key Biblical stories and concepts by bringing these figures to life and establishing their importance in the Biblical world view. A study guide that focuses on the characters of the Bible highlights their historical, spiritual and religious importance.
Book cover of Periodic Table Basic

Periodic Table Basic

Speedy Study Guides

by Speedy Publishing
Language: English
Release Date: September 4, 2014

Chemistry classes can be some of the most difficult classes for students. There are many formulas, numbers and calculations to be done and memorized. Students are responsible for many tasks during the school year. Studying the periodic table of the elements of chemistry and physics can be overwhelming....
Book cover of Dental Anatomy

Dental Anatomy

Speedy Study Guides

by Speedy Publishing
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2014

Are you in school to become a dentist, dental assistant, or dental hygienist? Are you fresh out of any of these types of dental schools or programs and need a quick refresher on the anatomy of dentistry? If so a dental study guide might be what you need to give you the quick information that you might...
Book cover of Nursing Terminology 2015

Nursing Terminology 2015

Speedy Study Guides

by Speedy Publishing
Language: English
Release Date: September 30, 2014

One important part of passing one's nursing exams is being able to know all of the terms that are related to nursing. This knowledge will help for final exams, and it will allow for one to be able to better understand the concepts covered in class. A great way to learn nursing terms is with the use...
Book cover of Yoga Poses

Yoga Poses

Speedy Study Guides

by Speedy Publishing
Language: English
Release Date: September 15, 2014

Yoga is a leading exercise that holds many benefits for your exterior body and for your digestive system. A yoga poses study guide can provide you with basic moves to begin in your yoga experience. Learning the beginning steps will further help you to target your core, flexibility, and strength training...
Book cover of Osteoporosis


Speedy Study Guides

by Speedy Publishing
Language: English
Release Date: September 12, 2014

As we age, our bodies become prone to incurring several different types of ailments that can truly take a toll on overall health, happiness, and well-being. One of the more common ailments being osteoporosis, it is imperative to educate ourselves of the problem that can affect a great majority of...
Book cover of Bible Characters

Bible Characters

New Testament (Speedy Study Guides)

by Speedy Publishing
Language: English
Release Date: January 29, 2015

Often times many people who are Christians have a hard time understanding their faith. One reason why this problem occurs has to do with their lack of biblical knowledge. A New Testament study guide can help them to learn key biblical figures and to understand key characters. This will help to increase their faith in God and their relationship with Christ.
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