Simon Garfield: 14 books

Book cover of Cronometrados


Cómo el mundo se obsesionó con el tiempo

by Simon Garfield
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 16, 2017

Cronometrados es una brillante exploración de las formas en que hemos percibido, contenido y ahorrado el tiempo a lo largo de los últimos 250 años, narrado en el estilo ingenioso y entretenido del maravilloso Simon Garfield. No hace mucho medíamos nuestras vidas por el movimiento del sol....
Book cover of In Miniature

In Miniature

How Small Things Illuminate the World

by Simon Garfield
Language: English
Release Date: March 12, 2019

Bestselling, award-winning writer Simon Garfield returns with an enthralling investigation of humans’ peculiar fascination with small things—and what small things tell us about our larger world. “[Simon Garfield is] an exuberant truffle-hound of the recondite and delightful factoid.”...
Book cover of On the Map

On the Map

A Mind-Expanding Exploration of the Way the World Looks

by Simon Garfield
Language: English
Release Date: December 27, 2012

Cartography enthusiasts rejoice: the bestselling author of Just My Type reveals the fascinating relationship between man and map. Simon Garfield’s Just My Type illuminated the world of fonts and made everyone take a stand on Comic Sans and care about kerning. Now Garfield takes on a subject...
Book cover of To the Letter

To the Letter

A Celebration of the Lost Art of Letter Writing

by Simon Garfield
Language: English
Release Date: November 14, 2013

The New York Times bestselling author of Just My Type and On the Map offers an ode to letter writing and its possible salvation in the digital age. Few things are as exciting—and potentially life-changing—as discovering an old letter. And while etiquette books still extol the practice,...
Book cover of The Error World

The Error World

An Affair with Stamps

by Simon Garfield
Language: English
Release Date: January 20, 2009

An obsessively readable memoir about the passions—and perils—of collecting, from the New York Times–bestselling author of Just My Type.   From the Penny Red to the Blue Mauritius, generations of collectors have been drawn to the mystique of rare stamps. Once a widespread pastime of schoolboys,...
Book cover of L'arte perduta di scrivere le lettere
by Simon Garfield
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 12, 2013

Perché le lettere continuano a suscitare tanto fascino pur nell’epoca del trionfo di Internet e della posta elettronica? Leggerle per ricostruire i retroscena della vita di un grande personaggio storico o di uno scrittore è una forma di voyeurismo intellettuale o un modo per coglierne la vita...
Book cover of Just My Type

Just My Type

A Book About Fonts

by Simon Garfield
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2011

A hugely entertaining and revealing guide to the history of type that asks, What does your favorite font say about you? Fonts surround us every day, on street signs and buildings, on movie posters and books, and on just about every product we buy. But where do fonts come from, and why do we...
Book cover of 計時簡史
by 賽門‧加菲爾(Simon Garfield)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: January 29, 2019

愛因斯坦、霍金沒告訴過你的時間文化史 ** ** 《週日泰晤士報》年度文化類選書 《觀察家》週刊年度最佳科學書籍 ** ** 透過文化的鏡頭, 一探人類如何干擾鐘擺速率,操控時間秩序; 對時間愈發瘋狂的執著,又引發了哪些奇情怪癖? ** ** 過去,人們仰望天空,依據太陽活動感知時間的推移;現在,我們強迫性地不停檢查手機、電腦確認時間,網路發達更確保徹底的不夜世界。我們渴望準時,但我們厭惡最後期限。我們在時間的威嚇與嘲弄之下,注定被時間掌控生活,嚴重到我們總是擔心永遠趕不上時間的腳步。或者更糟:我們跟上了,卻是以其他事物為代價。時間持續以極微刻度顯現、介入,「時間永遠不夠」的意識推動我們快馬加鞭地「過生活」。   我們對於時間的執著與渴望,如何讓它成為生活中揮之不去的支配力量? 世界總是說,時間是公平的;但我們從沒想像過,我們能不能擁有「自己計時的權力」?   本書全面性探索工業革命之後的250年間,「時間」為何、如何逐漸主宰我們的生活;檢視人們對時間愈發瘋狂的執著,如何藉由測量、控制、販售、拍攝、表演等手法,感知、保存與節省時間;以及時間對歷史文明乃至個人生命所產生的各種作用力。   本書要談的是時間的實際作用,而不是虛無飄渺的境界。你將看到人們如何以各種方式撰寫現代的時間故事:   ‧拒絕使用基督教公曆的法國人,改用葡萄、萵苣來計日 ‧過度想念美好昔日,「懷舊」在19世紀初成為一種心理疾病 ‧貝多芬企圖以節拍器記號,統一《第九號交響曲》的演奏速度 ‧參議員將時間化為政治武器,緩慢地廢話連篇阻擾議事進行 ‧〈燒夷彈女孩〉將越戰的駭人瞬間永遠凍結在影像裡,震懾全世界 ‧矽谷工程師研發液態代餐節約用餐時間 ‧末日鐘的分針隨國際情勢前後撥動,倒數人類毀滅時刻 ‧太空人巴茲‧艾德林戴著Omaga手錶踏上月球,完成史上最經典的時間商演 ‧英國跑者羅傑•班尼斯特衝破4分鐘障礙,破記錄的瞬間被放大、牢記,而且成為神話   這本特殊的史書有兩個簡單訴求:說出那些啟發時間意義的故事,主角中有的是了不起的藝術家、運動員、發明家、作曲家、電影製片人、作家、演說家、社會科學家,當然少不了還有鐘錶匠,來探究我們是不是都對時間瘋狂到無藥可救了。多層次的探討,將讓你我以新的視角省思與面對時間。   這也是一場文化、哲學關於「時間應用」的旅程。一路上有貝多芬交響樂的蓄勢待發,也有瑞士鐘錶業的狂熱傳統,時不時也會借重喜劇演員們的真知灼見。   當「時間管理」已變成人類生活中的最大挑戰時,本書中的多重歷史再現,將有助於我們以全新的方式應付這項挑戰。也許你有機會脫離計時的專制而獲得自由。   【國內外好評推薦】 ** ** 文化評論家...
Book cover of Sei proprio il mio Typo

Sei proprio il mio Typo

La vita segreta delle font

by Simon Garfield
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 4, 2014

Pressoché sconosciute fino a vent'anni fa, grazie all'avvento della tecnologia informatica oggi le font sono a tutti gli effetti protagoniste del nostro quotidiano. Ma quali sono state le tappe che le hanno portate a uscire dalla ristretta cerchia di addetti ai lavori e di qualche sparuto appassionato?...
Book cover of En el mapa. De cómo el mundo adquirió su aspecto
by Simon Garfield
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 9, 2013

Un apasionante recorrido desde los primeros bocetos de filósofos y exploradores hasta Google Maps. Los mapas nos fascinan. Plasman lo que conocemos del mundo y registran nuestros progresos pero, sobre todo, cuentan nuestra historia. Imagine un mundo sin ellos. ¿Cómo viajaríamos? ¿Podríamos...
Book cover of The Wrestling
by Simon Garfield
Language: English
Release Date: March 21, 2013

This is a book about Kendo Nagasaki, Mick McManus, Les Kellett, Klondyke Kate and Dr Death - men and women who used to fight each other every night for pride and money. Margaret Thatcher once wrote adoringly to Big Daddy, and Frank Sinatra told Giant Haystacks that British wrestlers were the...
Book cover of Es mi tipo

Es mi tipo

Un libro sobre fuentes tipográficas

by Simon Garfield
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 14, 2011

¿Cuál es tu tipo? Una desenfadada introducción al mundo de la tipografía. Desde que las tipografías se mudaron a la barra de herramientas del ordenador todos comenzamos a tener una opinión sobre ellas. Hoy es imposible ignorar su poder, su omnipresencia en las marcas que nos rodean o...
Book cover of Timekeepers


How the World Became Obsessed With Time

by Simon Garfield
Language: English
Release Date: September 29, 2016

Time flies like an arrow, but fruit flies like a banana. The Beatles learn to be brilliant in an hour and a half. An Englishman arrives back from Calcutta but refuses to adjust his watch. Beethoven has his symphonic wishes ignored. A US Senator begins a speech that will last for 25 hours. The horrors...
Book cover of Sulle mappe

Sulle mappe

Il mondo come lo disegniamo

by Simon Garfield
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 12, 2016

«Affascinante e coinviolgente. Una guida alle guide». Dayly Mail «Un'allegra perlustrazione della storia delle mappe, colma di curiosità e scritta con grande brio». Indipendent on Sunday Le mappe, è indiscutibile, non sono solo indispensabili ma hanno gran fascino. Ci permettono...
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