Robert Kaplan: 63 books

Book cover of The Power Behind Your Eyes

The Power Behind Your Eyes

Improving Your Eyesight with Integrated Vision Therapy

by Robert-Michael Kaplan, O.D.
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 1995

Good vision is more than the ability to see 20/20 on an eye chart. Any vision problem is a message alerting us to an unbalanced inner state. Eyeglasses, medications, and surgery may correct poor vision but they cannot correct this inner imbalance. In The Power Behind Your Eyes, Robert-Michael Kaplan...
Book cover of Theory and Practice of Writing

Theory and Practice of Writing

An Applied Linguistic Perspective

by William Grabe, Robert B. Kaplan
Language: English
Release Date: September 25, 2014

This book undertakes a general framework within which to consider the complex nature of the writing task in English, both as a first, and as a second language. The volume explores varieties of writing, different purposes for learning to write extended text, and cross-cultural variation among second-language...
Book cover of El cuadro de mando integral

El cuadro de mando integral

The balanced scorecard

by Robert S. Kaplan, David P. Norton
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 24, 2014

El Cuadro de Mando Integral (CMI) revolucionó el sistema de gestión orientado a canalizar energías, habilidades y conocimientos específicos de los colaboradores de una organización hacia la consecución de objetivos estratégicos a medio y largo plazo. Kaplan y Norton demuestran la forma...
Book cover of The Balanced Scorecard

The Balanced Scorecard

Translating Strategy into Action

by Robert S. Kaplan, David P. Norton
Language: English
Release Date: August 2, 1996

The Balanced Scorecard translates a company's vision and strategy into a coherent set of performance measures. The four perspectives of the scorecard--financial measures, customer knowledge, internal business processes, and learning and growth--offer a balance between short-term and long-term objectives,...
Book cover of Arabists


The Romance of an American Elite

by Robert D. Kaplan
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 1995

A tight-knit group closely linked by intermarriage as well as class and old school ties, the “Arabists” were men and women who spent much of their lives living and working in the Arab world as diplomats, military attaches, intelligence agents, scholar-adventurers, and teachers. As such, the Arabists...
Book cover of Jewish Men Pray

Jewish Men Pray

Words of Yearning, Praise, Petition, Gratitude and Wonder from Traditional and Contemporary Sources

by Daniel S. Alexander, Alexandri, Bezalel Aloni
Language: English
Release Date: April 30, 2013

A celebration of Jewish men's voices in prayer—to strengthen, to heal, to comfort, to inspire from the ancient world up to our own day. "An extraordinary gathering of men—diverse in their ages, their lives, their convictions—have convened in this collection to offer contemporary,...
Book cover of 歐洲暗影:一段橫跨兩場冷戰、三十年歷史的東歐邊境之旅
by 羅柏.D.卡普蘭(Robert D. Kaplan)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: October 31, 2017

《外交政策》雜誌評選「全球百大思想家」, 《世界的盡頭》、《南中國海》、《地理的復仇》作者羅柏.卡普蘭2016年最新力作 理解俄國與歐盟紛爭的一把鑰匙,除卻2014年烏克蘭克里米亞,下一個將受到國際關注的衝突地域 本書將帶引讀者走入一個位處歐洲邊陲,歐、亞文化交融並陳的「德古拉」神祕國度——羅馬尼亞 羅柏.卡普蘭於一九七○年代初次造訪羅馬尼亞,當時他是一名年輕記者,羅馬尼亞則是共產世界中一個慘澹蕭條的偏遠國度。它位於歐洲的一個晦暗角落,鮮少受到西方人的關注;它具有攸關世局的重要性,但卻經常受到忽略。隨著那次初訪而來的,是作者畢生對這個國家的迷戀。時至今日,俄羅斯以不同方式對歐洲構成威脅,而羅馬尼亞正是理解這個局面的關鍵要素。 《歐洲暗影》行文風格明快有力,融合回憶錄、旅行誌、報導文學、歷史書寫等元素,是作者醞釀三十年而成的大師之作,完整呈現一名青年記者力求成長、一個弱勢國家奮力向上的歷程,將一個外來個體的身影與一個在地國族的命運巧妙地交織在一起。從地緣特質、帝國主義、納粹大屠殺、冷戰,到國際關係中扮演的角色,作者透過羅馬尼亞這面透鏡,檢視諸多影響深遠的議題。 在本書中,卡普蘭詳細闡明拉丁化的西歐與希臘化的東歐如何鎔冶出羅馬尼亞,以及包括拜占庭帝國、鄂圖曼帝國、奧地利哈布斯堡王朝、俄羅斯沙皇國,希特勒納粹德國、共產蘇聯,以至現代的俄羅斯與歐盟,是如何從各個方方面面影響羅馬尼亞的盛衰起伏。這是位處地緣敏感帶國家的宿命,但也是她的機會。 透過卡普蘭的筆尖,羅馬尼亞的過去與現在化成本書中一頁頁鮮活而優美的散文,讓一個又一個電影畫面般的場景躍然紙上:冷戰期間那些神情枯槁、在冷風中排隊買麵包的布加勒斯特民眾;千百年間被入侵者蹂躪成一片荒蕪的柏勒甘大草原;宏偉地矗立在外西凡尼亞及馬拉穆列什地區的哥德式教堂尖頂……卡普蘭時而同過去的偉大思想家們對話,時而與今日的羅馬尼亞民眾交談;於是我們看到,這群人是如何在這個俄羅斯重新崛起的時代,致力讓人文主義的火焰持續發光。 【國際書評】 一部聲勢浩大的文化性及政治性旅行書寫,讓羅馬尼亞錯綜複雜的過去及混沌迷離的現在鮮活地躍然眼前,展現全新的急迫性。 ——柯林.施伯龍(Colin...
Book cover of 西進的帝國:地理如何形塑美國的世界地位
by 羅柏.卡普蘭(Robert D. Kaplan)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: May 3, 2018

在走遍世界盡頭之後,卡普蘭將回到出生之地 省思在中國崛起的今天,這座「西進的帝國」將如何面對未來的挑戰 ◆美國前國務卿季辛吉、《不平靜的太平洋》作者溫契斯特、「冷戰史泰斗」蓋迪斯等一致盛讚 ◆《外交政策》雜誌「全球百大思想家」,《世界的盡頭》、《南中國海》、《地理的復仇》、《歐洲暗影》作者 《西進的帝國》以洗鍊而動人的文筆描繪從東岸到西岸的美國地景,檢驗形塑美國國力的地理特質,為美國外交政策提供貼近草根現實的思考架構。 相較於卡普蘭先前的地緣戰略論述,《西進的帝國》較具個人色彩,結合親情、回憶、鄉土情懷、愛國意識,以及個人知識體系的養成,從略具自傳性質的手法、深具抒情風格的文筆,審思美國的地位與未來。 青年時期經常奔赴美國各地進行採訪報導的卡普蘭,回顧兒時與父親四處遊歷的情景,以及當卡車司機的父親描述年輕時驅車穿梭在美國大地的故事。年幼的他已經領略到《讀者文摘》一篇故事中的父親在攜家西行時所說的「征服洛磯山」這句話的意義,那是由東往西穿越美洲大陸的旅人體會到的心境,也是美國先民開拓精神的一種寫照。 二○一五年春,作者從麻薩諸塞州自家出發,展開為期一個多月的泛美公路之旅,從東部的「垂直地景」(人口稠密區往上空發展的地景,較為閉鎖而缺乏開闊視野)馳向西部天高水長的「水平地景」。這也是作者在踏遍「世界的盡頭」之後,將畢生思索凝聚在美國大地上的一趟終極旅程。但這次他的角色不是單純的旅人,也不是在做新聞報導,而是帶著分析家的眼光,以及悄悄聆聽眾人聲音的耳朵,總結他對美國地理及歷史人文的思考,細緻分析地理因素(緯度、水文、陸地與海洋的配置、土地特性等等)對美國命運及國家投射力所造成的影響。 美國東、西各接鄰世界兩大洋,左摟歐非,右擁亞澳;密西西比河流向加勒比海,為美國開啟通往大西洋與太平洋(經由巴拿馬運河)的門徑,塑造大國命運。而美國之所以在二十世紀享有無人能望其項背的力量,一大部分是發揮先人由東往西開拓,發揮「征服落磯山」那種打天下的精神所獲的成果。 本書的撰述目的是透過一些獨特的視角,如父親年輕時的旅行記憶,歷史學者的「希望地理學」,遼闊無邊的北美荒原,以及朝中國蔓延的大海,描述美國這個世界的巨人。父親的旅行為作者提供無盡靈感;歷史學家建立必要且可操作的論述架構;荒漠代表必須克服的挑戰;西側汪洋則象徵美國的對外關係,一方面承載美國的國際責任,一方面也隱約預示不斷往西行進的巨人身影最終將在那裡逐漸消解。 在這個消解過程中,作者期許美國憑藉地理賦予的優勢,及其所造就出的影響力,在二十一世紀錯綜複雜的國際局勢中持續發揮正面的制衡力量。 【各界讚譽】 《西進的帝國》一書出色地提醒著美國地理對其戰略所帶來的衝擊。羅柏.卡普蘭最新的作品是本必讀之作,對前一本有關地緣戰略著作做了必要的補充。 ——美國前國務卿季辛吉(Henry...
Book cover of The Weimar Moment

The Weimar Moment

Liberalism, Political Theology, and Law

by Peter C. Caldwell, Christophe Chalamet, Rodrigo Chacón
Language: English
Release Date: January 26, 2012

The Weimar Moment’s evocative assault on closure and political reaction, its offering of democracy against the politics of narrow self-interest cloaked in nationalist appeals to Volk and “community” – or, as would be the case in Nazi Germany, “race” – cannot but appeal to us today. This...
Book cover of Enhancing 360-Degree Feedback for Senior Executives: How to Maximize the Benefits and Minimize the Risks
by Robert E. Kaplan, Charles J. Palus
Language: English
Release Date: February 2, 1994

Senior executives, however, sometimes require a richer feedback experience — one which might also include one or more of the following: detailed verbatim descriptions of performance, observations from family members and friends, psychometric measures of personality and motivation, and data on early...
Book cover of Regulation A+

Regulation A+

How the JOBS Act Creates Opportunities for Entrepreneurs and Investors

by Paul Getty, Dinesh Gupta, Robert R. Kaplan
Language: English
Release Date: November 27, 2015

Discover how to raise money under new provisions in the recently enacted JOBS Act. Regulation A+: How the JOBS Act Creates Opportunities for Entrepreneurs and Investors will guide and advise executives of emerging growth companies, entrepreneurs, financial advisers, venture capitalists, investment...
Book cover of Insect Ecology

Insect Ecology

Behavior, Populations and Communities

by Peter W. Price, Robert F. Denno, Micky D. Eubanks
Language: English
Release Date: August 18, 2011

Combining breadth of coverage with detail, this logical and cohesive introduction to insect ecology couples concepts with a broad range of examples and practical applications. It explores cutting-edge topics in the field, drawing on and highlighting the links between theory and the latest empirical...
Book cover of The Legacy of the Cold War

The Legacy of the Cold War

Perspectives on Security, Cooperation, and Conflict

by Lorenz Lüthi, Malcolm Byrne, Willlem van Eekelen
Language: English
Release Date: December 16, 2013

The unexpected end of the protracted conflict has been a sobering experience for scholars. No theory had anticipated how the Cold War would be terminated, and none should also be relied upon to explicate its legacy. But instead of relying on preconceived formulas to project past developments, taking...
Book cover of Warrior Politics

Warrior Politics

Why Leadership Demands a Pagan Ethos

by Robert D. Kaplan
Language: English
Release Date: November 16, 2011

“The side that knows when to fight and when not will take the victory. There are roadways not to be traveled, armies not to be attacked, walled cities not to be assaulted.” —Sun-Tzu We live in dangerous times, when a new kind of leadership is required. Visionary and ruthlessly strategic,...
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