Jeremy: 2147 books

Book cover of The Anti-Inauguration

The Anti-Inauguration

Building resistance in the Trump era

by Anand Gopal, Naomi Klein, Jeremy Scahill
Language: English
Release Date: January 30, 2016

Featuring contributions from Naomi Klein, Jeremy Scahill, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, Anand Gopal, and Owen Jones. The five essential speeches presented here are taken from The Anti-Inauguration, held on inauguration night 2017 at the historic Lincoln Theatre in Washington, D.C. The Anti-Inauguration event and ebook are joint projects of Jacobin, Haymarket Books and Verso Books.
Book cover of The Fall of Soviet Communism, 1986-1991
by Jeremy Smith
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2005

The fall of communism and the break-up of the Soviet Union into 15 independent states in December 1991 was one of the most significant events of the twentieth century. In the last years of Soviet rule, images of mass protests on the streets of Moscow, Tbilisi and Vilnius, bloodshed in Baku, striking...
Book cover of Nuclear Iran
by Jeremy Bernstein
Language: English
Release Date: October 14, 2014

This succinct book is timely reading for anyone who wishes to understand the maze of science and secrecy at the heart of Iran’s nuclear ambitions. Writing for the general reader, Jeremy Bernstein draws on his knowledge as a physicist to elucidate the scientific principles and technical hurdles involved in creating nuclear reactors and bombs.
Book cover of Treating People Well

Treating People Well

The Extraordinary Power of Civility at Work and in Life

by Lea Berman, Jeremy Bernard
Language: English
Release Date: January 9, 2018

Two White House Social Secretaries offer “an essential guide for getting along and getting ahead in our world today…by treating others with civility and respect. Full of life lessons that are both timely and timeless, this is a book that will be devoured, bookmarked, and read over and over again”...
Book cover of Making the Peace in Ireland
by Jeremy Smith
Language: English
Release Date: June 11, 2014

For nearly thirty years Northern Ireland has been a by-word for terrorism, bloodshed, military coercion and intense communal conflict. However, Ireland is now experiencing a transition from a society in conflict to one at peace. Where did the violence come from and why could it not be pacified?...
Book cover of Generic


The Unbranding of Modern Medicine

by Jeremy A. Greene
Language: English
Release Date: October 27, 2014

Generic drugs are now familiar objects in clinics, drugstores, and households around the world. We like to think of these tablets, capsules, patches, and ointments as interchangeable with their brand-name counterparts: why pay more for the same? And yet they are not quite the same. They differ in...
Book cover of Body by Darwin

Body by Darwin

How Evolution Shapes Our Health and Transforms Medicine

by Jeremy Taylor
Language: English
Release Date: October 22, 2015

We think of medical science and doctors as focused on treating conditions—whether it’s a cough or an aching back. But the sicknesses and complaints that cause us to seek medical attention actually have deeper origins than the superficial germs and behaviors we regularly fault. In fact, as Jeremy...
Book cover of The Power of the Mind: How I Beat OCD
by Jeremy Bennett
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2011

Jeremy Bennett is a motivational speaker, mentalist, and entertainer who has appeared in television series filmed in Canada, the U.S., and the U.K. In this book he speaks out for the first time about his struggle with obsessive-compulsive disorder. At the age of twelve, he developed a severe case...
Book cover of Pure Madness

Pure Madness

How Fear Drives the Mental Health System

by Jeremy Laurance
Language: English
Release Date: June 27, 2005

Public alarm for random attacks by mentally ill people is at an all-time high. The brutal killing of Jill Dando, the TV personality, and the assault on George Harrison, the former Beatle, are among the cases which have undermined confidence in the mental health service. Community care is widely seen...
Book cover of 善待他人,也不委屈自己:贏得人心的白宮社交之道,讓你高效合作、化解危機、建立關係


Treating People Well: The Extraordinary Power of Civility at Work and in Life

by 莉婭‧博曼(Lea Berman), 傑瑞米‧伯納(Jeremy Bernard)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: November 1, 2018

白宮,全世界最有權力的辦公場所, 依然堅持奉行的處世之道──善待他人、建立信任、緩和衝突。 因為,每個人都很重要,每個人都值得被好好對待。 從白宮社交秘書的應對進退和有趣、溫暖、機智的故事, 學會人際關係圓融的12個基本功! ◎小布希和歐巴馬總統最倚重的社交秘書,白宮的外事活動都靠他們! ◎引爆話題,一出版即登上美國亞馬遜商管暢銷榜 ◎來自敵對陣營,聯手出書,傳授廣結善緣和贏得信任之道 白宮社交秘書可說是全世界最焦頭爛額的人之一,從非正式早餐會談到正式國宴,從各種千鈞一髮的危機到與各單位協調溝通,不但負責打理白宮的大小外事活動,更要有高明的社交手腕,靈敏的政治嗅覺,從容的應變能力,以及過人的管理技巧。 兩位作者分別曾在小布希政府和歐巴馬政府中,負責白宮的外事活動。雖然來自不同黨派,卻能合作出書,顯示他們的獨特經歷提供了寶貴的經驗,知道如何與來自不同領域和觀點的人有效地交流。這兩位華盛頓圈內人透過描述與各界名流、外國領袖,以及最無法預測的政客第一手接觸的光輝,與備受折磨的時刻,解析他們所學到的功課。 這本書是為你而寫的,談的不是過時的禮儀規矩,而是應對進退合宜的力量。不論從事什麼工作,真正的成功是取決於我們如何對待各行各業的人。作者解釋每個人都想了解的事,例如如何在一大群陌生人中結交朋友;如何與他人相處得更加融洽;如何和難纏同事共事;如何有效率處理工作和生活的大小事;如何建立良好的溝通管道;如何與討人厭的人交手,並且獲得信任和協助,如何在波濤洶湧的社交媒體中安然無恙等。作者提供了具體的建議,使你成為一位令人喜愛、信賴、讓人願意幫助你的人。 【各界推薦】 ◎本書告訴我們,只要多為別人著想,考量到他人的需求且表達尊敬之意,就可以幫助我們和朋友、同事、家人,以及所有人建立且加強關係。——美國前第一夫人...
Book cover of Designing Modern Germany
by Jeremy Aynsley
Language: English
Release Date: May 15, 2009

German design and architecture reflects the country’s rich and fraught political history in its structure and aesthetic philosophy. Jeremy Aynsley now offers an in-depth study of this relationship between German history and design since 1870 and the complex principles underlying it. Designing...
Book cover of The Empathic Civilization

The Empathic Civilization

The Race to Global Consciousness in a World in Crisis

by Jeremy Rifkin
Language: English
Release Date: December 31, 2009

"One of the leading big-picture thinkers of our day" (Utne Reader) delivers his boldest work in this erudite, tough-minded, and far-reaching manifesto. Never has the world seemed so completely united-in the form of communication, commerce, and culture-and so savagely torn apart-in...
Book cover of The Crucified King

The Crucified King

Atonement and Kingdom in Biblical and Systematic Theology

by Jeremy R. Treat
Language: English
Release Date: May 27, 2014

The kingdom of God and the atonement are two of the most important themes in all of Scripture. Tragically, theologians have often either set the two at odds or focused on one to the complete neglect of the other. In The Crucified King,Jeremy Treat demonstrates that Scripture presents a mutually...
Book cover of For Lovers of English: 100 English Abbreviations
by Jeremy Taylor
Language: English
Release Date: December 17, 2011

A friend of mine once told me that the English language is being taken over by T.L.A.s I confess I had to ask her what T.L.A.s were. “Three Letter Abbreviations!”.I should have guessed. In a way, she was right. Abbrevations, and not just T.L.A.s, are everywhere: You can see them on the BBC and...
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