Gabriele: 823 books

Book cover of Käsebier Takes Berlin
by Gabriele Tergit
Language: English
Release Date: July 30, 2019

In English for the first time, a panoramic satire about the star-making machine, set in celebrity-obsessed Weimar Berlin. In Berlin, 1930, the name Käsebier is on everyone’s lips. A literal combination of the German words for “cheese” and “beer,” it’s an unglamorous name for an...
Book cover of L'ultimo caduto
by Gabriele Falco
Language: English
Release Date: June 23, 2017

La sera del 10 giugno 1940 la notizia che l’Italia è entrata in guerra fa riaffiorare in due anziani coniugi di un paesino friulano il ricordo degli eventi accaduti nel corso del conflitto del 1915-1918. L’uomo, uscito dalla guerra con la mente devastata, rivive il drammatico episodio che, nel...
Book cover of La Bibbia del Diavolo
by Gabriele Falco
Language: English
Release Date: April 17, 2018

Boemia (attuale Repubblica Ceca), anno del Signore 1229 circa: nel piccolo monastero benedettino di Podlàžice Herman, un monaco condannato a essere murato vivo nella propria cella a causa della sua empia condotta, per salvarsi la vita chiede di essere sottoposto a un singolare Giudizio di Dio nel...
Book cover of Die Welt der Poesie für neugierige Leser. Achter Band: Dichter und Dichterinnen in Zeiten der Weltkriege
by Anne-Gabriele Michaelis
Language: German
Release Date: August 26, 2014

Achter Band: Dichter und Dichterinnen in Zeiten der Weltkriege: Rainer Maria Rilke zählt zu den bedeutenden Lyrikern des 20. Jahrhunderts. Hans Fallada war ein ausgezeichneter Milieuschilderer mit Humor. Hermann Hesse erhielt den Literatur-Nobelpreis im Jahr 1946. Agnes Miegel gilt als große ostpreußische...
Book cover of Imaginary Ethnographies

Imaginary Ethnographies

Literature, Culture, and Subjectivity

by Gabriele Schwab
Language: English
Release Date: September 18, 2012

Through readings of iconic figures such as the cannibal, the child, the alien, and the posthuman, Gabriele Schwab analyzes literary explorations at the boundaries of the human. Treating literature as a dynamic medium that "writes culture"—one that makes the abstract particular and local,...
Book cover of Die großen Liebes-Klassiker der Weltliteratur

Die großen Liebes-Klassiker der Weltliteratur

Sturmhöhe, Stolz und Vorurteil, Die Elenden, Jane Eyre, Kameliendame, Anna Karenina, Das Feuer, Erloschenes Licht, Gefährliche Liebschaften, Indiana…

by Jane Austen, Emily Brontë, Leo Tolstoi
Language: German
Release Date: June 21, 2017

Dieses eBook wurde mit einem funktionalen Layout erstellt und sorgfältig formatiert. Die Ausgabe ist mit interaktiven Inhalt und Begleitinformationen versehen, einfach zu navigieren und gut gegliedert. Inhalt: Stolz und Vorurteil (Jane Austen) Sturmhöhe (Emily Brontë) Jane Eyre (Charlotte Brontë)...
Book cover of Hidden Beneath the Thorns

Hidden Beneath the Thorns

Growing up Under Nazi Rule

by Gabriele M. Quinn
Language: English
Release Date: November 18, 2009

In the compelling memoir Hidden Beneath the Thorns, Ingeborg Tismer shares her fascinating journey of what it was like to be an ordinary German citizen during the Nazi regime. As told to her daughter, Gabriele Quinn, Ingeborg provides a glimpse into the world of a young woman who grew up during...
Book cover of Behind the Ether Screen

Behind the Ether Screen

Memoirs of an Anesthesiologist

by Gabriele F. Roden
Language: English
Release Date: September 17, 2009

The surgeons' heads seemed small next to the huge dome-shaped lights. Together heads and lights zoomed in on this sick heart, which looked like a wiggly red ball of flesh. Gloved fingers felt and searched for new possibilities. All of a sudden there was an undeniable knowing that someday I...
Book cover of Angeli e diavoli

Angeli e diavoli

Cinquanta domande a un esorcista

by Gabriele Amorth
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 4, 2015

Che differenza c’è tra un mago e un esorcista? Gli indemoniati sono contagiosi? Come immaginare il volto di Satana? Ha un valore protettivo portare con sé immagini sacre? La possessione colpisce a caso? Come si fa a distinguere i fenomeni demoniaci da quelli paranormali e da quelli psichiatrici?...
Book cover of Il vangelo di Maria
by Gabriele Amorth
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 9, 2012

Padre Gabriele Amorth, noto esorcista ed esperto in mariologia, ripercorre la vicenda evangelica della Vergine Maria e spiega il significato dei dogmi mariani, del culto e della devozione popolare. Scritto in un linguaggio semplice e chiaro - come nello stile dell’autore - il libro si rivolge a tutti i credenti. Ogni capitolo è accompagnato da un box con spunti di riflessione.
Book cover of Dio più bello del diavolo. Testamento spirituale
by Gabriele Amorth
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 16, 2015

Dopo sessant’anni di vita sacerdotale, e oltre venticinque di attività come esorcista, padre Gabriele Amorth consegna alle stampe il suo testo definitivo, un testamento umano e spirituale di enorme ricchezza e di grande libertà. Una confessione che spazia dal tema del Bene e del Male, a quello della...
Book cover of Capello: Portrait Of A Winner
by Gabriele Marcotti
Language: English
Release Date: January 26, 2010

Fabio Capello is a born winner. As a midfielder with Roma, Juventus and Milan, he won four Italian league championships and two cups, and played for his country 32 times, scoring a goal at Wembley in 1973 in Italy's first ever win in England. As a manager, Capello's fierce determination has seen him...
Book cover of Hail, Claudio!

Hail, Claudio!

The Man, the Manager, the Miracle

by Gabriele Marcotti, Alberto Polverosi
Language: English
Release Date: November 3, 2016

Leicester City's Premier League victory was the 5,000-1 triumph that delighted the world. But how did Claudio Ranieri pull off one of the greatest achievements in sport? This is the inside story of the rise and rise of the butcher’s son from Rome, whose hard work, passion for the game...
Book cover of Greening the Maple

Greening the Maple

Canadian Ecocriticism in Context

by Northrop Frye, Margaret Atwood, Rosemary Sullivan
Language: English
Release Date: November 5, 2013

Ecocriticism can be described in very general terms as the investigation of the many ways in which culture and the environment are interrelated and conceptualized. Ecocriticism aspires to understand and often to celebrate the natural world, yet it does so indirectly by focusing primarily on written...
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