Dante: 508 books

Book cover of Inferno
by Dante Alighieri
Language: Dutch
Release Date: June 21, 2013

`Er is geen hoop voor wie hier binnentreden , staat boven de poort van de hel. Met de Romeinse dichter Vergilius als gids daalt Dante af naar een plek waar slechts weinigen levend uit terugkeerden: de hel. Zijn meesterlijke beschrijvingen van de verschrikkingen in het Inferno vormen een blijvende...
Book cover of The Embassy
by Dante Paradiso
Language: English
Release Date: October 3, 2016

In a distant war, in a city under siege, U.S. Ambassador John W. Blaney faced a terrible choice: abandon the mission or risk the lives of his team to give diplomacy a last chance...  In 2003, Liberia was one of the most dangerous and isolated countries in the world. President Charles Taylor,...
Book cover of White Boxes
by Dante Harker
Language: English
Release Date: February 26, 2012

Who would have thought that the dating world could have changed so much in ten years. Jake's entire twenties had been spent with the same man, some of it was even happy. Now, after finally prizing himself away from his 'better the devil you know' relationship by following a brand new 'true...
Book cover of Il segreto di Francesco
by Dante Anedda
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 29, 2017

Con lingua semplice ed evocativa, l’autore di questo romanzo ambienta nelle campagne del cagliaritano una fiaba per lettori senza età, introducendoci in un microcosmo familiare e contadino dove le asperità della vita s’intrecciano a un senso salvifico di mistero e stupore. Pagina dopo pagina...
Book cover of Santa Maria del Prato in Campagnano. Mille anni di storia
by Laura Gili, Carmine Iuozzo, Luigi Londei
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 3, 2016

La storia della chiesa e convento di Santa Maria del Prato in Campagnano, fondazione benedettina attestata dal 1093, poi trasferita ai Minori conventuali nel secolo XIII e nel 1488 ai Minori osservanti, è una storia di lunga durata' che termina con la soppressione dell'Ente nel 1873, a seguito delle...
Book cover of Ventriloquo si diventa

Ventriloquo si diventa

Manuale pratico per il ventriloquo moderno

by Dante Cigarini
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 2, 2012

VENTRILOQUO Ricordi da bambino quella figura di artista che riusciva a far parlare i pupazzi senza muovere le labbra e tutti ti dicevano che era un Ventriloquo, una persona con una capacità innata di riuscire a parlare con il ventre ? Nulla di più falso ! Il Ventriloquo è un artista che...
Book cover of The Enabler
by Dante D. Ross
Language: English
Release Date: December 10, 2013

Have you ever wanted to learn to dance? Lose those extra pounds? How about get that promotion you've always wanted? Perhaps you've wanted to know what it feels like to kill a man. Sleep with someone other than your spouse. If you have then you should contact Cyrus Tatum. He is known as many things. An accomplice to murder. Chauvinist. A man who has ruined lives. He prefers The Enabler.
Book cover of Follow the Leader
by Richard Dante
Language: English
Release Date: June 14, 2010

Despite the hazards of being gay in the 1960s, best friends Danny Armaugh and Rob Olsen become lovers. Gay marine Olsen, wounded in Vietnam, receives the Medal of Honor. Discovered at a UC Berkeley talent show, dynamic singersongwriter Armaugh comes out on TVs MEET THE PRESS. Millions of fans turn against him as the two join the gay rights movement and help pass the Consenting Adults Bill.
Book cover of The Orb of Hubris

The Orb of Hubris

An Autobiography

by Zack Dante
Language: English
Release Date: May 20, 2011

The Orb of Hubris is a classic fear-jerker. Zack Dante a 16 year old student looking forward to the summer holidays is thrown into a vortex of horror. His life is turned upside down by a mysterious job offer and a seance that goes badly wrong. Suddenly all around him things begin to change and he...
Book cover of Escape the Race
by Dante Harker
Language: English
Release Date: March 15, 2012

School, university, job, car, career, mortgage, marriage, children, grandchildren, retirement and….! Escape the Race follows three very different thirty somethings who decide to take a break from the expected and volunteer to teach English to hill-tribe children at the top of a Thai mountain. Kate,...
Book cover of Die Göttliche Komödie: 4 Übersetzungen in einem Band
by Dante Alighieri
Language: German
Release Date: September 15, 2017

Vier deutsche Übersetzungen der Göttlichen Komödie in chronologischer Reihenfolge nach Erscheinungsdatum des abschließenden Bandes: 1824-26: Carl Streckfuß (Terzinen mit regelmäßig alternierenden männlichen und weiblichen Reimen) 1828; 1839-49: Philalethes, Pseudonym von Johann von Sachsen...
Book cover of Six Rode Home: A Novella
by Michael Dante
Language: English
Release Date: January 22, 2019

Award Winning Actor/ Award Winning Author Michael Dante. The men and women; women who were disguised as men, fought for our independence and freedom during the Civil War. Those that survived made their journey home, not knowing what to expect. All those who fought in this war and all the wars...
Book cover of La divina comedia
by Dante Alighieri
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 20, 2015

La Divina Comedia es un poema donde se mezcla la vida real con la sobrenatural, muestra la lucha entre la nada y la inmortalidad, una lucha donde se superponen tres reinos, tres mundos, logrando una suma de múltiples visuales que nunca se contradicen o se anulan. Los tres mundos infierno, purgatorio...
Book cover of Convivio


Edizione Integrale

by Dante Alighieri
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 23, 2019

Il Convivio è un saggio dottrinario composto da Dante Alighieri tra il 1304 e il 1307. Il poeta si ripropone di fornire un assaggio di sapienza a tutti coloro che non hanno potuto dedicarsi agli studi a causa di occupazioni familiari e civili. Il termine 'convivio' deriva dal latino convivium e può...
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