Carlo: 1308 books

Book cover of Slow Food

Slow Food

The Case for Taste

by Carlo Petrini
Language: English
Release Date: May 14, 2003

Take a breath.... Read slowly. How often in the course and crush of our daily lives do we afford ourselves moments to truly relish-to truly be present in-the act of preparing and eating food? For most of us, our enjoyment of food has fallen victim to the frenetic pace of our lives and to our...
Book cover of Interregnum


Beyond Liquid Modernity

by Carlo Bordoni
Language: English
Release Date: March 31, 2016

Challenging the thought of Zygmunt Bauman on the subject of liquid modernity, where everything has become unstable, precarious and uncertain, Carlo Bordoni (author with Bauman of »State of Crisis«) proposes to look at contemporary society as an »interregnum«, a temporary break with the past. In...
Book cover of Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities and the Inclusive Future of Libraries
by Brian Wentz, Paul T. Jaeger, John Carlo Bertot
Language: English
Release Date: December 14, 2015

All libraries have patrons and staff members with disabilities, making equitable service a priority for these organizations as they provide diverse services to their entire communities. Although rapid technological changes in recent years have offered challenges to libraries, these same technologies...
Book cover of Megacity Malaise
by Carlo Fanelli
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2016

“[A] political economist with a gift– due to his not having forgotten his working class background– for bringing complex economic problems down to their real world implications for working people.” - Jeff Noonan Megacity Malaise documents how municipal governance, labour-management...
Book cover of Power Cut? How the EU Is Pulling the Plug on Electricity Markets

Power Cut? How the EU Is Pulling the Plug on Electricity Markets

How the EU Is Pulling the Plug on Electricity Markets

by Carlo Stagnaro
Language: English
Release Date: December 17, 2015

By any measure, the privatisation and liberalisation of the UK energy industry was an enromous success. And yet the public are not convinced. As energy expert Carlo Stagnaro shows in this important book, the re-regulation of the market in the UK, together with policy developed at the EU level, has...
Book cover of Saving Europe

Saving Europe

How National Politics Nearly Destroyed the Euro

by Carlo Bastasin
Language: English
Release Date: March 8, 2012

Three times in the few years since the global financial crisis erupted, the euro has come close to extinction, endangering both the world economy and history's most ambitious project in shared sovereignty. Yet each time, the case for a common currency proved to be more compelling than its weaknesses,...
Book cover of Un'idea di felicità
by Luis Sepúlveda, Carlo Petrini
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 30, 2014

«Un grande narratore capace di cogliere i dettagli più profondi nel magistrale artigianato del raccontare.» La Stampa «Sepúlveda ha il senso della narrazione concisa ed efficace, il gusto delle immagini finemente cesellate, un grande dono dell’evocazione che gli permette di rendere semplici,...
Book cover of San Pellegrino tra mito e storia

San Pellegrino tra mito e storia

I luoghi di culto in Europa

by Lorenzo Angelini, Anna Benvenuti, Massimo Bonelli
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 3, 2016

Parlare di "pellegrinaggi pellegriniani" può parere uno scherzo, un gioco di parole. Non è così. Certo, l'espressione scelta per qualificare questi aspetti, queste mète santorali, questi culti è scherzosa. Ma comincia col racchiudere un problema che gli studiosi di agiografia ben conoscono....
Book cover of Gestures
by Carlo Bordini
Language: English
Release Date: February 10, 2014

English Translation by Nail Chiodo Editrice Zona - Quintadicopertina with Italian original text and bilingual apparatus con testo originale in Italiano e apparati bilingue Questa silloge di testi attraversa la produzione di un autore che sfugge a (ed è in) tutte le categorie note: è...
Book cover of The Experience of Pain
by Carlo Emilio Gadda
Language: English
Release Date: October 26, 2017

'The seething cauldron of life, the infinite stratification of reality, the inextricable tangle of knowledge are what Gadda wants to depict' Italo Calvino At the height of Fascist rule in Italy and following the death of his mother, Carlo Emilio Gadda began work on his first novel, The Experience...
Book cover of Minds Working - Unpublished Texts
by Carlo Torta
Language: English
Release Date: January 19, 2017

La musica fa parte di noi, ci accompagna in tutti i momenti felici, tristi, importanti e futili della nostra vita. Questo libro è dedicato a tutti i musicisti e compositori che non sanno quali parole associare alle proprie canzoni. Una serie di testi inediti in inglese da utilizzare e ai quali dare vita.
Book cover of Navigation in the Mountains

Navigation in the Mountains

The definitive guide for Hill Walkers, Mountaineers & Leaders The official navigation book for all Mountain Training schemes

by Carlo Forte
Language: English
Release Date: April 28, 2014

Navigation in the Mountains - The Definitive Guide for Hill Walkers, Mountaineers & Leaders is the official navigation book for all Mountain Training schemes. Packed with essential information and techniques, this handbook is split into sections including: all aspects of mountain navigation; the...
Book cover of La Corte di Cassazione

La Corte di Cassazione

I progetti e l'architettura del capolavoro di Giuseppe Zanardelli e Guglielmo Calderini

by Vincenzo Carbone, Terry Kirk, Mario Pisani
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 3, 2016

"Questo volume che sviluppa ricerche ed approfondimenti sui progetti e sulla realizzazione del Palazzo di Giustizia, sede della Corte di Cassazione, sia al ministro Giuseppe Zanardelli che al progettista Guglielmo Calderini perché, come rammenta Vitruvio nei suoi scritti, l'opera di architettura...
Book cover of Ricerche di Architettura

Ricerche di Architettura

Nuove Prospettive per l'architettura nella Sardegna del XXI secolo

by Alfonso Annunziata, Carlo Aymerich, Martina Basciu
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 3, 2016

Il volume raccoglie gli atti della Giornata di Studi svolta a conclusione del primo anno della ricerca biennale condotta dai giovani ricercatori nell'ambito del "Programma Operativo FSE SARDEGNA 2007-2013, Legge Regionale 7 agosto 2007, n. 7, Promozione della ricerca scientifica e dell'innovazione...
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