Carlo: 1308 books

Book cover of I pesci siamo noi!
by Carlo Mazzucchelli
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 22, 2016

SAGGIO (351 pagine) - SOCIETà E SCIENZE SOCIALI - Prede, pescatori e predatori nell'acquario digitale della tecnologia Manuale teorico-pratico per evitare di farsi prendere all'amo dai media digitali e tecnologici, da chi li ha creati e li gestisce, per sapere distinguere la luce delle stelle...
Book cover of Tecnologia, mon amour forever
by Carlo Mazzucchelli
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 19, 2016

SAGGIO (192 pagine) - TECNOLOGIA - In viaggio con la tecnologia tra entusiasmi e dissapori Dopo il primo volume "Tecnologia mon amour", l'autore continua il suo viaggio dentro i mondi tecnologici e digitali con un secondo volume ricco di spunti di riflessione sulla volontà di potenza...
Book cover of Genitori tecnovigili per ragazzi tecnorapidi
by Carlo Mazzucchelli
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 28, 2015

SAGGIO (265 pagine) - TECNOLOGIA - Come mettere al sicuro i propri figli dai rischi della tecnologia moderna Un prontuario di sopravvivenza attiva per  genitori tecnovigili alle prese con ragazzi tecnorapidi perché nativi digitali. Uno strumento di conoscenza per comprendere le nuove generazioni,...
Book cover of Il diavolo veste tecno
by Carlo Mazzucchelli
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 15, 2015

SAGGIO (296 pagine) - TECNOLOGIA - Tecnologie indossabili e rivoluzione tecnologica prossima ventura. Un e-book di facile lettura e consultazione per un viaggio attraverso i numerosi prodotti tecnologici indossabili già disponibili come occhiali e orologi intelligenti, braccialetti e strumenti...
Book cover of Goldoni Plays Volume I
by Carlo Goldoni
Language: English
Release Date: October 22, 2015

Carlo Goldoni (1707 - 1793) was one of the most prolific and versatile playwrights of his century, even though most of his vast output deals with life confined to a few square miles of Northern Italy. This new edition contains two comedies about women surviving precariously in a man's world, but each...
Book cover of My Father’s Watch: The Story of a Child Prisoner in 70s Britain
by Patrick Maguire, Carlo Gébler
Language: English
Release Date: December 28, 2008

The intensely moving memoir of Patrick Maguire, one of the ‘Maguire Seven’ wrongly imprisoned as a teenager for making bombs for the IRA. On the night of October 5 1974, an IRA unit left bombs in two Guildford pubs: five people were killed. On the night of December 3 1974, on the strength of fabricated...
Book cover of Ein Schlag auf den Schädel und du bist eine Schönheit
by Carlo Manzoni
Language: German
Release Date: October 30, 2016

Es ist ein toll wirbelnder Ulk, den der geistreiche italienische Autor dieses Super-Krimis ersann, ein großartiger Spaß, der zusätzlich die ganze Spannung eines 'harten' Kriminalromans enthält. Ein Detektiv mit allen wunderbaren Eigenschaften und sein ebenso großartiger vierbeiniger Partner scheinen...
Book cover of Das MG im Dekolleté
by Carlo Manzoni
Language: German
Release Date: November 28, 2016

Privatdetektiv Chico Pipa, Manzoni-Freunden durch seine grotesken Krimi-Abenteuer in bester Erinnerung, ist diesmal in eine ganz große Sache verwickelt. Nicht ganz freiweillig wird er zum 00Superagenten ausgebildet, inklusive einiger technischer Operationen (Fernsehkamera im Nasenknorpel, Antenne...
Book cover of Der tiefgekühlte Mittelstürmer
by Carlo Manzoni
Language: German
Release Date: November 5, 2016

Diese brillante Parodie auf den harten amerikanischen Thriller erhält ihren grotesk-komischen Charakter aus einer ganz alltäglichen Erscheinung unseres Daseins: dem Fußballfieber. Wer kennt nicht den Aufruhr, in den eine ganze Stadt gerät, wenn das entscheidende Meisterschaftsspiel ausgerechnet...
Book cover of The Golden Gate is Empty
by Eric Del Carlo, Victor Del Carlo
Language: English
Release Date: April 4, 2015

Ward Pentecost was the most dangerous man on the planet As a child, Nathaniel Pentecost was emotionally scarred when his father, Ward, revealed to him that magic was a real force in the universe. Ever since, he's done his best to alienate his father. Now, seven years after his father disappeared along...
Book cover of Waylines Magazine - Issue 2
by Eric Del Carlo, Sean Eads, KC Ball
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2013

Waylines is a magazine of science-fiction, fantasy, and horror. Our goal is to capture the "bang" in speculative fiction - that mindbending, wow factor. Issue 2 features interviews with authors Minister Faust and Marly Youmans and film maker John Williams and the the following three stories: 1...
Book cover of The Vampire Years
by Eric Del Carlo
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2017

Fifty years ago, vampires went to war with humanity. Humanity was crushed beneath their boot. What's left of the human race has been relegated to the Res: gated remnants of the old cities out of sight of the opulent, technological marvels the "bats" flourish in. Humans are gifted just enough...
Book cover of Street Magick

Street Magick

Tales of Urban Fantasy

by Eric Del Carlo, Charles Zaglanis
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2016

Cities have a life—a magick—all their own. Lurking within this anthology of urban fantasy, one of Death’s own assassins must discover why she’s been targeted to die. A real estate agent encounters her first haunted house. We learn of a tome that cannot lie, revealing whether the truth will...
Book cover of Metaphorosis February 2017
by Kaos Nest, Eric Del Carlo, Suzanne J. Willis
Language: English
Release Date: June 16, 2018

Beautifully written speculative fiction from Metaphorosis magazine. All the stories from the month, plus author biographies, interviews, and story origins. Table of Contents Halfsies – Eric Del Carlo A Nightingale’s Map of the City – Suzanne Willis The Naked Me – N. Immanuel Velez Chambers of the Heart – B. Morris Allen Cover art by Kaos Nest.
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