Carlo: 1308 books

Book cover of Aforismi 1561-1584
by Carlo Borromeo (san)
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 18, 2012

Tratti dalle omelie, dalle lettere e dai documenti di san Carlo Borromeo, sono aforismi di efficacia linguistica straordinaria. Restituiscono un intellettuale ancora più grande di quanto la memoria di quattro secoli dalla sua canonizzazione abbia conservato. Le opere d’arte, che accompagnano questa...
Book cover of O città di Milano...
by Carlo Borromeo (san)
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 1, 2012

“O città di Milano, la tua grandezza s’alzava sino ai Cieli, le ricchezze tue si stendevano sino ai confini dell’universo mondo, gli uomini, gli animali, gli uccelli vivevano, e si nutrivano della tua abbondanza; concorrevano qui da ogni parte persone basse a sustentarsi nei sudori tuoi sotto...
Book cover of Van levenskunst tot stervenskunst
by Carlo Leget
Language: Dutch
Release Date: January 8, 2013

Na zijn succesvolle boek Ruimte om te sterven dat de tragiek van het sterven in een breder en bevrijdend perspectief plaatste, schreef Carlo Leget een helder boek over de manier waarop gewerkt kan worden bij vragen rond het levenseinde.;;;Met aandacht voor vragen zoals: Wat is spiritualiteit eigenlijk...
Book cover of Ruimte om te sterven
by Carlo Leget
Language: Dutch
Release Date: June 30, 2012

Carlo Leget over de kunst van het sterven Dit boek is geschreven zowel voor mensen die zich met hun levenseinde geconfronteerd zien, als voor mensen die - al dan niet beroepshalve - te maken hebben met het levenseinde van een ander. Carlo Leget laat in dit boek zien dat een goede omgang met het levenseinde...
Book cover of Warlord


A Life of Winston Churchill at War, 1874-1945

by Carlo D'Este
Language: English
Release Date: June 23, 2009

As riveting as the man it portrays, Warlord is a masterful, unsparing portrait of Winston Churchill, one of history’s most fascinating and influential leaders. Carlo D’Este’s definitive chronicle of Churchill’s crucial role in the major military campaigns of the 20th century, Warlord uses...
Book cover of Eisenhower


A Soldier's Life

by Carlo D'Este
Language: English
Release Date: November 24, 2015

"An excellent book . . . D'Este's masterly account comes into its own." —The Washington Post Book World Born into hardscrabble poverty in rural Kansas, the son of stern pacifists, Dwight David Eisenhower graduated from high school more likely to teach history than to make it. Casting...
Book cover of Aristotle


His Life and School

by Carlo Natali
Language: English
Release Date: August 25, 2013

This definitive biography shows that Aristotle's philosophy is best understood on the basis of a firm knowledge of his life and of the school he founded. First published in Italian, and now translated, updated, and expanded for English readers, this concise chronological narrative is the most authoritative...
Book cover of Liderazgo tranquilo

Liderazgo tranquilo

Conquistar mentes, corazones y triunfos

by Carlo Ancelotti
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 21, 2016

Carlo Ancelotti es sin duda uno de los directores técnicos de fútbol más exitoso de la historia, sin embargo su estilo de lilderazgo está muy alejado del estilo de liderazgo de la mayoría de sus colegas profesionales más caracterizados por su agresividad e histrionismo.Pero es ese estilo el...
Book cover of Lustiges Taschenbuch Enten-Edition 47
by Carlo Gentina, Bruno Concina, Carlo Panaro
Language: German
Release Date: December 7, 2015

Oma gibt Gas Es gibt wohl kaum ein schöneres Fleckchen Erde auf dem Planeten als Oma Ducks wunderbaren Bauernhof. Doch auch an diesem so friedvollen Ort gibt es mitunter Probleme. Aber egal ob es darum geht, ein wildes Nashorn oder Franzens Appetit zu zähmen - Oma hat immer alles unter Kontrolle....
Book cover of Deadpool (2008) 1 (Marvel Collection)
by Daniel Way, Paco Medina, Carlo Barberi
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 11, 2018

La terra è stata invasa dagli skrull, che hanno infiltrato il governo, l’esercito e i gruppi di supereroi. Ma nessuno ha preparato gli alieni mutaforma a quello che Deadpool ha in serbo per loro… sempre che Wade abbia davvero voglia di salvarci! A chiudere il conto, una buona dose di zombi e...
Book cover of The Adventures Of Pinocchio. Illustrated.: The Tale Of A Puppet (Mobi Classics)
by Carlo Collodi,Carol Della Chiesa (Translator)
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2010

Pinocchio is a fictional character that first appeared in 1883, in The Adventures of Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi, and has since appeared in many adaptations of that story and others. Carved from a piece of pine by a woodcarver named Geppetto in a small Italian village, he was created as a wooden puppet, but dreamt of becoming a real boy. Excerpted from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Book cover of El orden del tiempo
by Carlo Rovelli
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 23, 2018

¿Qué es el tiempo? ¿Hasta qué punto lo entendemos? ¿Existimos en el tiempo o el tiempo existe en nosotros? ¿Por qué recordamos el pasado y no el futuro? ¿Qué quiere decir que el tiempo «corre»? ¿El pasado está cerrado y el futuro abierto? ¿El tiempo es lineal? ¿Existe de verdad?......
Book cover of La gentilezza che cambia le relazioni digitali
by Carlo Mazzucchelli, Anna Maria Palma
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 6, 2018

Tecnologia - saggio (94 pagine) - La gentilezza per le relazioni nell’era digitale, per recuperare lentezza, attenzione verso sé stessi e gli altri, la buona educazione e le buone maniere. Trattarsi bene e trattare bene non dovrebbe essere né difficile né complicato. Neppure quando la...
Book cover of Seven Brief Lessons on Physics
by Carlo Rovelli
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2016

**The New York Times bestseller from the author of The Order of Time and Reality Is Not What It Seems “One of the year’s most entrancing books about science.”—The Wall Street Journal “Clear, elegant...a whirlwind tour of some of the biggest ideas in physics.”—The New York...
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