Aa Vv: 1959 books

Book cover of Caperucita roja
by AA. VV.
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 7, 2018

En un pueblo, vive una niña que vestía una capa roja todos los días. Un día, su madre le pide que atraviese el bosque para llevarle unas tortas y un vino a su abuela que se encuentra enferma. Muy alegremente, la niña emprende el camino hasta la casa de su abuelita, pero en medio del bosque se...
Book cover of El patito feo
by AA. VV.
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 7, 2018

Una pata empolla sus huevos cerca al lago, cuando por fin nacen hay uno que es diferente a los demás, sus plumas no son amarillas sino grises y es mucho más grande que el resto. A pesar de que ella lo quiere, los demás patos se burlan de él, así que el patito feo decide escapar. Primero...
Book cover of Robin Hood
by AA. VV.
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 5, 2016

Esta es la historia de un noble bandido que robaba a los ricos para darles a los pobresy que peleaba contra los injustos y tiranos.
Book cover of Cuentos de allí y de allá
by AA. VV.
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 27, 2013

A partir de 3 años. Adaptación de Victoria Simó y con las fantásticas ilustraciones de Mercedes Palacios.  Estáis a punto de penetrar en territorio encantado. Puesto que el mundo de lo maravilloso es imprevisible, hemos confeccionado esta pequeña guía que os ayudará a orientaros y evitará...
Book cover of Los secretos de One Direction
by AA. VV.
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 3, 2014

Si estás loca por Harry, Liam, Louis, Niall y Zayn, si quieres descubrir todos sus secretos, conocer sus anécdotas más divertidas, si no te cansas de verlos en fotos, si quieres completar los tests más alocados para saber si eres una auténtica fan… ¡éste es tu libro!
Book cover of Peter Pan
by AA. VV.
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 5, 2016

Esta es la historia de un niño que no quería crecer, de un malvado pirata, de unos niños perdidos y de un enorme cocodrilo que hacía tictac.
Book cover of Chi parla rischia

Chi parla rischia

Altro che Snowden: in Italia chi segnala illeciti o abusi nel luogo di lavoro non è tutelato

by AA. VV.
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 4, 2016

Altreconomia dedica la copertina del numero di gennaio 2016 al “whistleblower”, cioè colui che rivela informazioni riservate per denunciare episodi di corruzione o presunti illeciti sul luogo di lavoro. Chi parla, in Italia, rischia e non è tutelato. Il “caso Snowden”, infatti, non ha smosso...
Book cover of Antologia del Premio Letterario Fortunato Pasqualino Sezione Scuole di Butera
by AA. VV.
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 21, 2012

Leggere e apprezzare le prove dei piccoli aspiranti poeti, scrittori e disegnatori della scuola media di Butera commuove la loro maniera di approcciarsi al mondo, alla società in cammino. Il premio letterario è stato indetto nel novembre del 2008 dall’Associazione Akkuaria per onorare e ricordare la figura del filosofo e letterato siciliano Fortunato Pasqualino.
Book cover of In the Neighbourhood

In the Neighbourhood

Spatial Design and Urban Activation

by AA. VV.
Language: English
Release Date: November 28, 2017

Neighbourhoods of contemporary cities are ‘hypersensitive’ and ‘fragile’ areas where dismantling and transformation processes generate fragmentation and displacement. Reconstruction and re-occupation of urban spaces guided by residents are becoming increasingly frequent in these places. This...
Book cover of Progettare Paesaggio. Landscape as Infrastructure
by AA. VV.
Language: English
Release Date: October 15, 2015

In questo lavoro “Progettare Paesaggio, Landscape as Infrastructure” si confrontano: da un lato le stimolanti proposte progettuali redatte dal gruppo di studenti della Harvard Graduate School of Design guidati dalla docente Paola Cannavò; dall’altro l’analisi del territorio portuense ed ostiense...
Book cover of Urban Safety and Security
by AA. VV.
Language: English
Release Date: November 26, 2015

This book gives accounts of different strategies showing an impact on urban safety and security in European and non-European cities – being it the main goal or only a “secondary effect” of the observed urban policies, and being their result effective or only perceived. The essays describe the...
Book cover of Porn After Porn

Porn After Porn

Contemporary Alternative Pornographies

by Aa. Vv.
Language: English
Release Date: December 19, 2014

After the “digital turn,” expansion of sexual representations has taken shape quantitatively(thanks to the multiplication of production and distribution channels) and qualitatively (giving riseto a plurality of new representational forms). In this context, several social groups – including women...
Book cover of The Mediterranean Medina

The Mediterranean Medina

International Seminar

by AA. VV.
Language: English
Release Date: January 3, 2016

This volume collects the proceedings of the International Seminar The Mediterranean Medina, that took place in the School of Architecture at Pescara from 17th to 19th of June 2004.
Book cover of Dr. George Goodheart to speak in Italy

Dr. George Goodheart to speak in Italy

Applied Kinesiology and Kinesiologic medicine: new concepts and developments

by AA. VV.
Language: English
Release Date: June 25, 2013

Dr. George Goodheart: - Dural Torque and Muscle linkage - Overview and update of Bennett neurovascular reflexis - The ultimate anti-aging hypothesis Farkas Jeff: - Dental Foci - Fatty acids and neurologic health Fusco Maria Antonietta: - Applied Kinesiology: a precise diagnostic instrument...
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