Polar Regions category: 485 books

Cover of Where Is Antarctica?
by Sarah Fabiny, Who HQ
Language: English
Release Date: January 22, 2019

Explore Antarctica--the coldest, driest, and windiest continent on Earth--in this adventure-filled title in the Who HQ series. Antarctica, the earth's southernmost continent, was virtually untouched by humans until the nineteenth century. Many famous explorers journeyed (and often died) there...
Cover of 2014 American Arctic Strategy: Russia and China, Minerals and Resources, Recoverable Oil in the Arctic Circle, Arctic Militarization, Freedom of Navigation, Sea Lines of Communication
by Progressive Management
Language: English
Release Date: November 17, 2014

Since 2009, the United States has progressively released strategic documents outlining the U.S. interests and national objectives in the Arctic. Although these documents recognize increasing interests of the United States in the region, they do not adequately address all the strategic risks at stake...
Cover of The Misadventures of Seldovia Sam
by Susan Woodward Springer
Language: English
Release Date: April 24, 2018

All four books of Seldovia Sam's exciting misadventures are now collected in one book! Eight-year-old Sam Peterson from Seldovia, Alaska, doesn't go looking for trouble, but he always seems to find it! This book collects the entire series of Seldovia Sam's exploits, from digging up clams and rescuing sea otters to encountering wildfires and meeting bears.
Cover of El Artico
by Lisa E. Jobe
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 24, 2016

Aprender sobre el Ártico a través de la obra de arte foto fantasía de Lisa E. Jobe. Los niños podrán añadir un nuevo elemento en el paisaje congelado con la vuelta de cada página. Que contiene imágenes y palabras de vocabulario solamente, este libro es perfecto para el niño en edad preescolar o un niño pequeño en su casa.
Cover of Der goldene Schlüssel von Mangaseja
by Egon Richter
Language: German
Release Date: June 16, 2017

Vom südlichen Palmenstrand Bakus zieht Mischa in das nördliche Reich der Bären und Wölfe. Denn seine Eltern sind moderne Schatzgräber, die im sagenhaften Land Mangaseja das schwarze Gold suchen: Mischa erlebt auf seiner langen Reise viel Abenteuerliches, bis er schließlich am 'Herz der Seen'...
Cover of The Central Eskimo (Illustrated)

The Central Eskimo (Illustrated)

With Maps and Illustrations of Tools, Weapons & People

by Franz Boas
Language: English
Release Date: November 2, 2018

This eBook has been formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. The following account of the Central Eskimo contains chiefly the results of the author's own observations and collections made during a journey to Cumberland Sound and Davis Strait, supplemented...
Cover of Die Reise zum Südpol – Die norwegische Südpolfahrt mit der Fram 1910–1912
by Roald Amundsen
Language: German
Release Date: October 22, 2014

Die Eroberung des Südpol: Wer würde als erstes dieses Ziel erreichen? Robert Falcon Scott oder Roald Amundsen? Das war die Frage in den Jahren 1911 und 1912. Diese beiden Polarforscher lieferten sich ein Wettlauf in der Antarktis. Eigentlich plante Roald Amundsen seit längerer...
Cover of Beneath the Shadow

Beneath the Shadow

Legacy and Longing in the Antarctic

by Justin Gardiner
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2019

In February 2010, with the help of a friend who works as a photographer with a National Geographic–sponsored cruise line, Justin Gardiner boarded a ship bound for Antarctica. A stowaway of sorts, Gardiner used his experiences on this voyage as the narrative backdrop for Beneath the Shadow, a compelling...
Cover of The Bottom of the Map
by Ken Wollenberg
Language: English
Release Date: July 18, 2000

A history of the Falklands and all other subantarctic islands with tales of exploration, shipwreck and war. These are the ultimate faraway places.
Cover of Made in Nunavut

Made in Nunavut

An Experiment in Decentralized Government

by Jack Hicks, Graham White
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2015

After years of negotiation, the territory of Nunavut was established in Canada’s Eastern and Central Arctic on April 1, 1999. Made in Nunavut provides the first behind-the-scenes account of the planning that led to this remarkable achievement. The authors, leading authorities on the politics of...
Cover of A Trip To Alaska, The Last Arctic Frontier And The Land of The Glaciers
by Kenneth Kee
Language: English
Release Date: July 9, 2018

This was one of the places people told me to go, it was one the big trips that you should see: Alaska” Jeff Goldblum Welcome to Alaska, the land of glaciers and arctic ice, pure, raw, unforgiving and humongous in scale. There are bears bigger than buffalos, national parks the size of nations,...
Cover of Ins Arktische Amerika

Ins Arktische Amerika

Die dramatische Expedition in die Nordwest-Territorien Kanadas 1819-1822

by John Franklin, Detlef Brennecke
Language: German
Release Date: July 17, 2013

Die Expedition bricht auf um die Nordküste Kanadas östlich der Mündung des Coppermine Flusses, zu erforschen. Doch drei Jahre später droht das Unternehmen zu scheitern, die Vorräte werden knapp, man fängt an Flechten, Aas und sogar Schuhe zu verspeisen. Am Ende ihrer Reise sind nur noch elf der...
Cover of Nordwestpassage


Meine Polarfahrt auf der Gjöa

by Roald Amundsen, Detlef Brennecke
Language: German
Release Date: June 29, 2012

Vor Amundsen scheiterten schon viele bedeutende Entdecker bei dem Versuch, einen Seeweg durch das eisige Labyrinth der arktischen Inseln im Norden Amerikas zu finden, so etwa Sebastian Cabot, James Cook und John Franklin. Doch das Verhängnis seiner Vorgänger beflügelte den jungen Norweger und ihre...
Cover of Strange Seas
by Suzy McKee Charnas
Language: English
Release Date: April 15, 2002

"I am woven through your past, as you are through mine—and both of us through theirs, the sea-peoples’.” Hugo- and Nebula Award-winner Charnas has written a book about humans, her own past, and how our lives have always been intertwined with the creatures of the seas. “Strange Seas”...
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