Horticulture category: 167 books

Cover of 5 Popular Perennial Vegetables

5 Popular Perennial Vegetables

Globe Artichokes, Crosnes, Asparagus, Sunchokes and Rhubarb

by Roby Jose Ciju
Language: English
Release Date: December 9, 2013

Generally cultivated crops are grouped into any of the three categories based on their growing cycle. These categories are annuals, biennials and perennials. Annuals complete both their vegetative and reproductive life cycles within a season or a year. Biennials complete their vegetative growth phase...
Cover of Fruits for the Future

Fruits for the Future

Well Versed Arid & Semi Arid Fruits

by Vishal Nath, Dinesh Kumar
Language: English
Release Date: June 30, 2008

The book contains the information on importance and scope of area expansion of arid and minor fruits in the problematic soils, waste lands and non-areable lands. The information on nutritional value, anti-oxidant properties, taxonomic positions, bio-diversity, plant regeneration techniques, production...
Cover of Wild Edible Plants
by R. K. SINGH
Language: English
Release Date: June 30, 2016

Wild edible plants (WEPs) refer to species that are neither cultivated nor domesticated, but available from their natural habitat and used as sources of food. WEPs are gathered for food, nutrition and livelihoods by different cultures around the world. These plants are gathered from varied habitats...
Cover of Weeds


Description and their Management

by Lal Singh
Language: English
Release Date: June 30, 2016

The term weed is used in a variety of senses, generally centering around a plant that is not desired within a certain context. The term weed is a subjective one, without any classification value, since a plant that is a weed in one context is not a weed when growing where it belongs or is wanted....
Cover of Broccoli and Brussels Sprouts
by Agrihortico
Language: English
Release Date: May 23, 2019

Scientific name of Broccoli is Brassica oleracea var. italic. The edible portion of a broccoli is its immature buds and thick fleshy flower stalk. There are two types of broccoli available in the market: green sprouting broccoli and purple-colored broccoli. Green sprouting broccoli contains a group...
Cover of Manuale di conversazione sui grandi vini rossi

Manuale di conversazione sui grandi vini rossi

Come destreggiarsi tra tannini e frutti di bosco

by Andrea Gori
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 8, 2019

Dopo il fascino che ci riveste bevendo un calice di Champagne, come non aspettarci altrettanto dai grandi vini rossi che impreziosicono l’Italia? Un simpatico viaggio tra uve Nebbiolo, Pinot Nero, Sangiovese, Merlot e Nero d’Avola, gironzolando nelle cantine abitate da polverose barriques. Cosa...
Cover of Les tordeuses nuisibles en arboriculture fruitière
by Jean-Pierre Chambon
Language: French
Release Date: January 1, 1986

L'incidence économique des Tordeuses en arboriculture fruitière est une source de préoccupation croissante pour les arboriculteurs. La mise en oeuvre d'une stratégie de lutte adaptée et efficace implique, en préalable, l'identification précise des espèces en cause, la connaissance des données...
Cover of Fruits for the Future

Fruits for the Future

Lesser known tropical and subtropical fruits

by Vishal Nath, V. Pandey
Language: English
Release Date: June 30, 2009

The book contains the information on importance and scope of area expansion of arid and minor fruits in the problematic soils, waste lands and non-areable lands. The information on nutritional value, anti-oxidant properties, taxonomic positions, bio-diversity, plant regeneration techniques, production...
Cover of Mango


Preventive Practices and Curative Measures

by H. S. Singh, Vishal Nath
Language: English
Release Date: June 30, 2008

India is the largest producer of mango in the world. The productivity of mango is low due to poor initial planning, inferior planting material, poor orchard management practices, unscientific post harvest practices and natural calamities. Vegetative dominance over reproductive phase, irregular flowering,...
Cover of L'armillaire et le pourridié-agaric des végétaux ligneux
by Jean-Jacques Guillaumin
Language: French
Release Date: October 3, 2005

Les armillaires (genre Armillaria) sont des champignons phytopathogènes responsables d'une maladie racinaire des végétaux ligneux, le "pourridié-agaric", répandue dans le monde entier. Après une description détaillée des espèces d'Armillaria d'Europe, les auteurs analysent leur...
Cover of Die Quantenversion der Gestaltung

Die Quantenversion der Gestaltung

Zeitlose Gestaltung als Uebertragung der Unschaerferelation am Beispiel der Landschaftsarchitektur

by Anita Biedermann
Language: German
Release Date: January 29, 2016

Die Autorin bietet einen Lehransatz für Landschaftsarchitektur. Sie untersucht das zeitlose Muster großer Meister der Gartenkunst und führt das Prinzip der Gestaltung auf quantentheoretische Anordnungen zurück. Diese führen zur Ersetzung der ästhetischen Gestaltungsprinzipien durch das Evolutionsprinzip...
Cover of El huerto familiar ecológico

El huerto familiar ecológico

La gran guía práctica del cultivo natural

by Mariano Bueno
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 17, 2018

La gran guía práctica del cultivo natural Cultivar un huerto ecológico es algo más que obtener verduras, frutas y hortalizas de manera natural, ya que los frutos más preciados que se consiguen con su cultivo son los beneficios para la propia salud y la del entorno. El huerto familiar ecológico,...
Cover of Conservas naturales
by Mariano Bueno
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 23, 2017

¿Qué haces con los excedentes de tu huerto? ¿Cómo conservas los frutos u hortalizas que encuentras en tus excursiones por el campo o el bosque? ¿Qué hacer cuando ya no te quedan amigos a los que regalarles kilos de hortalizas?Mariano Bueno te da la solución con este libro en el que te explica...
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