Faith category: 1195 books

Cover of Di sana e robusta costituzione
by Don Andrea Gallo
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 7, 2014

È pensando ai giovani che don Gallo ha scritto questo libro: sono loro che dovranno guidare un Paese che si trova in un «mare in tempesta», e aiutarlo a ritrovare la bussola. «Le mie bussole sono due: come partigiano e come essere dotato di una coscienza civile, la mia prima bussola è la Costituzione....
Cover of Oraciones de larga vida para el venerable Gueshe Kelsang Gyatso Rimpoché
by Gueshe Kelsang Gyatso
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 10, 2018

Este librillo contiene dos oraciones de larga vida para el venerable Gueshe Kelsang Gyatso Rimpoché. La primera, Cumplimiento espontáneo de deseos, fue compuesta en 1979 por el Maestro raíz de Gueshe-la, el incomparable Yongdzsin Triyhang Doryhe Chang, a petición de los estudiantes del...
Cover of Postcristianesimo?


Il malessere e le speranze dell'Occidente

by Angelo Scola
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 30, 2017

L’esistenza è destinata a rimanere un enigma incomprensibile? Siamo condannati al vuoto della solitudine? Se c’è un Dio, perché tace? Sono le domande radicali che si pone l’uomo contemporaneo. La società postmoderna in Europa si è allontanata dal cristianesimo che non è più, sociologicamente,...
Cover of O Grande Milagre
by Maria José Leitão
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: September 8, 2015

E se um trágico acidente acontecesse a um filho seu? O Grande Milagre poderia bem ser apenas mais uma inspirada obra de ficção, mas não o é. Trata-se de uma história verídica e emocionante, que consegue cativar o leitor da primeira à última página. Ao longo do livro, somos...
Cover of Steps To Achieving God's Vision For Your Life
by Kathy L Thomas
Language: English
Release Date: February 14, 2011

Have you ever wondered what God has in mind for you? That you might be losing out on His perfect plan? God has brought me out of severe heart problems. Delivered me from the effects of brain injury and relentless depression. In my deepest despair God reached down and gave me a plan for action. Through...



by Cornel Rizea
Language: English
Release Date: April 20, 2018

What does it take to be a CITIZEN of HEAVEN? Does God really exist and is He really in control of everything? What is your understanding of the eternal HEAVEN and HELL? There is an internal struggle within all of humanity about the origin of life itself as well as the origin of all that exists in...
Cover of Timelessness and the Reality of Fate
by Harun Yahya
Language: English
Release Date: May 31, 2018

A general review of historical trends and people against the religious morality reveals that they all base their philosophy on materialist thought. As is known, materialists deny the fact of creation. Instead, they maintain the error that matter has existed since time immemorial and will remain as...
Cover of ¿Qué sucede después de la muerte?
by Iglesia de Dios Unida una Asociación Internacional
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 18, 2017

Este es uno de los grandes misterios de la vida: ¿Qué sucede después de la muerte? ¿Será la muerte el final absoluto de nuestra existencia, o seguiremos conscientes en otro lugar u otra condición? ¿Reencarnaremos como otra persona o como algún animal? ¿Volveremos a ver a los seres queridos que tanto extrañamos?
Cover of Whispers of the Morning

Whispers of the Morning

An Inspirational Jounral

by Sola Macaulay
Language: English
Release Date: March 25, 2018

God is as close as your next breath. He hears your whispers. This is one of His most beautiful gifts. Whispers of the Morning is a journal filled with captivating stories, moving recollections, and thought-provoking short essays threaded together by the theme of God’s grace, showcasing His nearness...
Cover of Hier en daar
by Henk Binnendijk
Language: Dutch
Release Date: March 12, 2012

Ons leven hier en nu is ook een voorbereiding voor het leven daar en straks. Dat is de persoonlijke boodschap die Henk Binnendijk uit het diepst van zijn hart heeft opgeschreven in dit boek.
Cover of Brieven uit de hel
by Clive Staples Lewis
Language: Dutch
Release Date: July 9, 2012

Met The Screwtape Letters, verschenen in 1942 en opgedragen aan Tolkien, werd C.S. Lewis in één klap een bekende schrijver. Het boek is sindsdien voortdurend herdrukt. Hetzelfde geldt voor de Nederlandse vertaling Brieven uit de hel, die sinds 1947 meer dan twintig herdrukken beleefde. Een ervaren...
Cover of Die Bibel im Koran

Die Bibel im Koran

Grundlagen für das interreligiöse Gespräch

by Karl-Josef Kuschel
Language: German
Release Date: May 24, 2017

Eine wissenschaftliche und persönliche Summe: Karl-Josef Kuschel fasst in diesem Band seine zwei Jahrzehnte währenden Studien zum Thema Bibel und Koran zusammen: neu bearbeitet und vor allem um die Erträge der neuesten Forschungen zum Koranverständnis erweitert. Gründliches Basiswissen ist Voraussetzung...
Cover of Polvere d'uomo

Polvere d'uomo

Memorie scritte sulle lapidi. 900 Frasi in memoria dei defunti

by Terenzio Davino
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 28, 2012

Raccolta di 900 frasi scritte sulle lapidi in commemorazione dei defunti. Il libro vuole essere un aiuto a coloro che, stretti nel dolore per la perdita di una persona cara, si trovano nelle circostanze di sofferenza a segnare con una frase (epitaffio) il ricordo del compianto caro, e nel...
Cover of La buona novella

La buona novella

Perché non dobbiamo avere paura

by Don Andrea Gallo
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 7, 2014

"Negli ultimi mesi si sta diffondendo un po' ovunque una grande paura, per questa crisi inarrestabile, per l'incalzante mancanza di lavoro, e quindi per il futuro dei nostri giovani. Eppure non dobbiamo farci prendere dal panico: la strada verso la soluzione c'è, ed è alla portata di tutti,...
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