Elections category: 1210 books

Cover of Those Terrible First Hours
by Robert Carr
Language: English
Release Date: May 19, 2017

Everyone knows the characters of the cartoons Scooby-Doo, Where Are You? and Johnny Quest. In both of these cartoons, the characters did that which was right, without expecting anything in return—a far cry from what we have today. Even though we have many working for the common people of the nation,...
Cover of Incontinent Continent The Comic
by Maurice Feldman
Language: English
Release Date: May 19, 2016

Incontinent Continent The Comic is based on Chapter 10½ of the book The Incontinent Continent
Cover of Destiny Calling

Destiny Calling

How the People Elected Barack Obama

by Charles M. Madigan
Language: English
Release Date: October 16, 2009

On a bitter cold day in 2007—nearly 150 years after Abraham Lincoln's inauguration—United States Senator Barack Obama of Illinois gathered his supporters at the old state capitol in Springfield, Illinois. Very new to the national political arena, he made an audacious announcement: "If you...
Cover of Expansion économique
by xavier jaffré
Language: French
Release Date: March 12, 2014

Le commerce c'est la vie, l'entreprise aussi. Toutes les activités commerciales et économiques sont sources de sécurité pour tous les habitants. La présence d'hommes et de femmes dans la rue en train de travailler et ou de faire leurs achats, ont toujours tendance à faire fuir les voyous et...
Cover of Le maire et sa commune
by xavier jaffré
Language: French
Release Date: March 12, 2014

Jadis, être maire d'une commune, n'était pas une fonction à plein temps, aussi l'engagement politique était sans doute moins flagrant que de nos jours probablement, quoi que, et les élus avaient un autre métier qui les faisaient vivre quand ils étaient élus maire. Mais de nos jours, la fonction...
Cover of La puissance de l'économie parisienne
by xavier jaffré
Language: French
Release Date: March 12, 2014

La crise du logement: Tout le monde l'a constaté pour l'avoir vécu, les problèmes de logements sont une véritable catastrophe nationale pour la population française. Principalement dans les grandes villes. Les raisons en sont le manque de constructions, mais aussi le fait sans doute que...
Cover of Actionnariat de proximité
by xavier jaffré
Language: French
Release Date: March 12, 2014

L'entreprise, c'est la vie Et c'est le plein emplois Le plein emploi est une volonté politique forte et clair. Sa non application démontre à la fois une incompétence et une volonté d'entretenir le chômage dans cette oligarchie dirigeante en fin de vie et de règne. En terme clair,...
Cover of Irrweg Neokonservatismus

Irrweg Neokonservatismus

"Unter der eigenen Achsel schrubben"

by Heinz Duthel
Language: German
Release Date: April 24, 2013

Irgendetwas ist faul, wenn zwei Regierungschefs, die sich treffen, glauben 12.000 Soldaten zu ihrem Schutz zu brauchen. Immerhin sind Herr Bush und Frau Merkel die obersten Repräsentanten mächtiger Nationen mit demokratischen Verfassungen, die sich im Rahmen der UNO dem Weltfrieden verpflichtet...
Cover of Campaign for President

Campaign for President

The Managers Look at 2012

by The Institute of Politics at the Harvard Kennedy School
Language: English
Release Date: May 16, 2013

In this book, a distinguished group of presidential campaign staff, journalists, and political observers take us inside the 2012 race for the Republican nomination and general election, guiding us through each candidate's campaign from the time each candidate announced his or her intention to seek...
Cover of Legge elettorale: non farti fregare

Legge elettorale: non farti fregare

Sistemi elettorali a confronto per il cittadino informato

by Aldo Giannuli
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 31, 2014

Dalla Premessa dell'Autore: "Per l’ennesima volta in circa venti anni, torna alla ribalta il tema della riforma della legge elettorale ed, al solito, il dibattito è abbastanza confuso. Questa volta il dibattito è stato acceso dal risultato delle elezioni politiche che è risultato...
Cover of Nueva York con Norman Mailer (Colección Endebate)
by V.S. Naipaul
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 17, 2012

V.S. Naipaul sigue como periodista la legendaria campaña de Norman Mailer a la alcaldía de Nueva York en 1969. La política estadounidense vivió numerosos sobresaltos en los años 60. Uno de ellos fue la mediática campaña del polémico escritor Norman Mailer a la alcaldía de Nueva York....
Cover of Partizipation im Wandel

Partizipation im Wandel

Unsere Demokratie zwischen Wählen, Mitmachen und Entscheiden

Language: German
Release Date: September 10, 2014

Politische Partizipation ist ein zentrales Wesensmerkmal von Demokratien. Neben den traditionellen Partizipationsformen wie der Stimmabgabe bei Wahlen haben neuere Formen in den letzten Jahren zunehmend an Bedeutung gewonnen. Bürger nehmen heute ebenso durch dialogorientierte und direktdemokratische...
Cover of Political Campaign Communication

Political Campaign Communication

Principles and Practices

by Robert E. Denton Jr., Judith S. Trent, Robert V. Friedenberg
Language: English
Release Date: July 19, 2019

Political Campaign Communication: Principles and Practice, Ninth Edition uses a speech-communication perspective to examine how elective politics contributes to our knowledge and understanding of the electoral process. Through historical and contemporary examples, this book offers readers a realistic...
Cover of The Presidential Campaign of Barack Obama

The Presidential Campaign of Barack Obama

A Critical Analysis of a Racially Transcendent Strategy

by Dewey M. Clayton
Language: English
Release Date: May 13, 2010

In the early twenty-first century, race still occupies a dominant role in American politics. Despite this truism, presidential candidate Barack Obama was uniquely poised to transcend both race and party as the first African American to have a realistic chance of winning the presidency. Previous contenders...
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