Cultural Heritage category: 3433 books

Cover of Demain… Une autre Afrique
by Bocar Gueye
Language: French
Release Date: March 3, 2017

Parfois, il faut toucher le fond pour aspirer au changement salutaire.Les personnages de ce livre sont puissants, on y raconte des tranches de vies contemporaines, des leçons de vie ; il y a des débats, politiques, métaphysiques, des visions qui s’affrontent, une quête de vérités portée par...
Cover of Märchen des Versailler Hofes

Märchen des Versailler Hofes

nach Charles Perrault

by Louise Bourbon
Language: German
Release Date: December 9, 2016

»Es waren einmal ein König und eine Königin ...« Diese Worte entführen in eine magische Welt und laden zum Träumen ein. Charles Perrault schuf Ende des 17. Jahrhunderts aus überlieferten Geschichten wundervolle Prosa. Dieser Band mit Perraults Werken in einer neuen Übersetzung von Louise Bourbon...
Cover of Summarized & Analyzed "Homeless Bird"
by Student World
Language: English
Release Date: December 21, 2016

“Homeless Bird” by Gloria Whelan was first published in 2000. Soon after its publication, the book became very popular. It was the winner of “Books for the Teen Age Award” in 2001 and “National Book Award” in 2000. The story revolves around a thirteen-year-old girl named Koly. She...
Cover of One Thousand Days In the Sun
by Frank Okolo
Language: English
Release Date: December 20, 2016

Young Thabo sleeps over in the Chief’s house on an errand for his father. Overnight he gropes the Chief’s extraordinarily beautiful daughter Nefrika. Obsessed with her, he returns to his father’s house convinced that Nefrika is his destiny. Five years later, they meet again as young adults....
Cover of Reibungsverluste
by Mascha Dabić
Language: German
Release Date: February 24, 2017

Eine Dolmetscherin erzählt. Nach zweieinhalb Jahren in Russland ist Nora wieder zurückgekehrt. In ihrem Job als Dolmetscherin ist sie Sprachrohr für traumatisierte Flüchtlinge, ebenso wie für die Psychotherapeuten. Es fällt ihr zunehmend schwer, sich von den Leidensberichten der Flüchtlinge...
Cover of La maledizione del Cardinale
by Giovanna Buccella
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 15, 2017

Famiglia Franceschini, famiglia Raspini, famiglia Brunetti. Il destino di queste discendenze s’intreccia a partire dall’inizio del Novecento fino ai primi anni Duemila, e la spiegazione è da ricercare nell’inquietante “maledizione del Cardinale”. Il passato ripercorre le sventure dei discendenti...
Cover of Celui-qui-Doute


Un Lakota en quête d'identité

by Emmanuelle Bessot
Language: French
Release Date: March 3, 2017

Divisé entre modernité et traditions, un jeune Lakota part en quête de ses origines. « Malheureusement, il m’est impossible de devenir un fils du Peuple Bison tant que je serai incapable de croire en Wakháŋ Tháŋka. Mais comment faire pour me convaincre de sa réalité ? Comment...
Cover of In the Lap of the Gods
by Li Miao Lovett
Language: English
Release Date: November 2, 2010

Set against a backdrop of real events in modern China. The displacement of 1.4 million people from the building of the Three Gorges dam is a Katrina-magnitude story that resonates with sympathetic Americans, human rights activists, sinophiles, journalists and bloggers keeping their eyes on China. A...
Cover of Il vecchio ed i fanciulli
by Grazia Deledda
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 16, 2017

Da cinque mesi il vecchio proprietario Ulpiano Melis cercava inutilmente un servo per il suo ovile: tutti erano alla guerra, ed i padroni che ancora ne avevano uno, si guardavano bene dal lasciarselo pigliare. Durante l'inverno, il vecchio Ulpiano aveva fatto tutto da sé nell'ovile, ma con l'avvicinarsi...
Cover of La rivoluzione segreta
by Mara Barbuni
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 23, 2015

Anna è una giornalista di New York incaricata di scrivere un articolo sulla stupenda biblioteca di un baronetto inglese. Una rete di intrighi e di ricatti la metterà in contatto con lo studioso di letteratura Henry Walden, e insieme a lui Anna intraprenderà una ricerca complessa e frenetica in lungo...
Cover of Le colpe altrui
by Grazia Deledda
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 11, 2017

Con “Le colpe altrui” Grazia Deledda ci riporta nella sua Sardegna cruda e armoniosa al tempo stesso, piena di contraddizioni ed in cui vivere non è facile, in tutti i sensi, per darci un romanzo sui temi della colpa e del pentimento. Al centro del romanzo c’è la famiglia Zanche, il cui patriarca,...
Cover of The Sign of Four
by Arthur Conan Doyle
Language: English
Release Date: October 19, 2016

The Sign of the Four (1890), also called The Sign of Four, is the second novel in which we find investigator Sherlock Holmes as the protagonist.Miss  Mary Morstan hires Holmes because her father disappeared in India during an expedition. For years, the day of her  father's disappearance, Miss Morstan...
Cover of Recipe for Trouble... Book Two of the Friendship Series
by Gail Luck
Language: English
Release Date: July 11, 2017

Published by CUSTOM BOOK PUBLICATIONSNoveletta imprintFRIENDSHIP SERIESBOOK TWO – RECIPE FOR TROUBLEI wake to the smell of ginger and garlic and the sizzle of oil. Mmm …breakfast. I turn my head towards the kitchen sounds. Oww! Ohhh! My head. I try to sit up, to put my head in my hands....
Cover of Literature Companion: The Sovereignty and Goodness of God
by History World
Language: English
Release Date: July 15, 2015

“The Sovereignty and Goodness of God” by Mary Rowlandson is also titled “The Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson.” The book was first published in 1682. It is said to be one of America’s first bestsellers.Mary Rowlandson was a colonial American woman. Once, Native Americans...
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