Physical Education category: 327 books

Cover of Teaching and Learning Team Sports and Games
Language: English
Release Date: November 12, 2012

Written as a resource for both pre-service and in-service educators, this theory-to-practice book focuses on the foundations and applications of constructivism applied to the teaching and learning of invasion sports and games.
Cover of Educação Física Cultural

Educação Física Cultural

O Currículo em Ação

by Marcos Garcia Neira
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: October 25, 2017

Desde 2004, o Grupo de Pesquisas em Educação Física Escolar (GPEF), formado por professores que atuam nas redes de ensino pública e privada, se reúne para debater, estudar, propor, experimentar e avaliar alternativas de ensino a disciplina. Como objetivo a ser alcançado, os professores e professoras...
Cover of Saberes docentes para a inclusão do aluno com deficiência visual em aulas de Física
by Eder Pires de Camargo
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: January 1, 2012

A inclusão escolar de alunos com deficiência impõe-se como tema a ser pesquisado para propor práticas adequadas à nova realidade educacional. Alunos com deficiência visual, por exemplo, começaram a frequentar espaços sociais como a escola sem que antigos paradigmas de normalização de comportamentos...
Cover of Educação física na adolescência

Educação física na adolescência

Construindo o conhecimento na escola

by Mauro Gomes de Mattos, Marcos Garcia Neira
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: December 14, 2009

A presente obra, que complementa as páginas dos Parâmetros Curriculares do Ensino Médio na área de Educação Física, vem ao encontro da necessidade de desenvolver com o corpo discente os conceitos e as atividades mencionados por alto no referido documento,aprofunda de forma clara os conhecimentos...
Cover of O jogo

O jogo

Entre o riso e o choro

by João Batista Freire
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: July 20, 2017

"Jogo, educação e educação física mantêm há muito uma estreita relação, porém são poucos os estudos que os relacionam. Com um texto rico que foge aos frios e eruditos padrões das teses acadêmicas, João Batista Freire apresenta suas idéias em meio às contribuições dos principais...
Cover of Raising Global IQ

Raising Global IQ

Preparing Our Students for a Shrinking Planet

by Carl Hobert
Language: English
Release Date: February 12, 2013

A groundbreaking roadmap for improving global literacy and conflict-resolution skills in middle and high schools across the United States ** ** In Raising Global IQ, Carl Hobert calls on K–12 teachers, administrators, parents, and students alike to transform the educational system by giving students...
Cover of Leading Schools in Challenging Times
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2016

Over the past 30 years our public school system has received an unprecedented amount of attention as this concerns methods of school reform and policy strategies for bringing about this reform. During the 1980s the emphasis of school reform was on transparency through schoolcommunity partnerships....
Cover of Mythes et réalités sur la course à pied
by Martin Lussier, Pierre-Mary Toussaint
Language: French
Release Date: April 9, 2014

Coureurs du dimanche, marathoniens chevronnés et adeptes de trail, tirez-vous vraiment le maximum de vos séances de course? Ils filent le long des routes, foulent les tapis roulants des centres sportifs et parcourent les sentiers boisés. Passionnés ou néophytes, les coureurs ont chacun...
Cover of 10 Games Lesson Plans for 5-7 Year Olds
by P S Quick
Language: English
Release Date: June 12, 2014

These 10 Games Lessons are designed to motivate children to listen attentively, develop positive attitudes and understand rules. Children will develop the skills of travelling, including chasing, fleeing and dodging; interact with others and use small apparatus to develop the skills required for more...
Cover of International Research in Science and Soccer II
Language: English
Release Date: October 23, 2015

International Research in Science and Soccer II showcases the very latest research into the world’s most widely played sport. With contributions from scientists, researchers and practitioners working at every level of the game, from grassroots to elite level, the book covers every key aspect of...
Cover of Disproving (constancy of light theory for all observers in Special Relativity)
by Muhammed Abdul Hussoon
Language: English
Release Date: March 11, 2016

This research has both scientific and analytical tools that lead to this compatibility between theory and practice, which leads to repeal the so-called constancy of light for all observers through Special Relativity experiments.
Cover of Educação física escolar no SESI-SP: o currículo cultural em ação
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: May 25, 2016

"Educação Física no Sesi-SP, o currículo cultural em ação" apresenta relatos de experiências com a proposta curricular de Educação Física. O Material Didático favorece, ao estudante, o desenvolvimento de habilidades e competências por meio dos conteúdos curriculares, proporcionando-lhe...
Cover of Educação física escolar no SESI-SP: o currículo cultural em ação
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: May 25, 2016

"Educação Física no Sesi-SP, o currículo cultural em ação" apresenta relatos de experiências com a proposta curricular de Educação Física. O Material Didático favorece, ao estudante, o desenvolvimento de habilidades e competências por meio dos conteúdos curriculares, proporcionando-lhe...
Cover of Splash
by Andrew Michael Jackson, Andrea Siegel
Language: English
Release Date: April 15, 2016

Splash, by Andrew Michael Jackson, WSI and Andrea Siegel, PhD.: What makes this book different from other swimming books? We believe that the most important thing to do is to help your child overcome fear of the water. We emphasize safety. Everything's been tested. Our method is straightforward...
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