Emotions category: 2464 books

Cover of 可以善良,但你要有底線不當好人



by 午堂登紀雄
Language: Chinese
Release Date: November 1, 2017

38則「小惡精神」的處世待人原則, 拒絕別人,你沒有對不起誰 ** ** 堅定的善良,無需委屈求全與犧牲! 一昧討好他人,只會喪失自己的價值   ◆如果連自己都能犧牲,你還談什麼未來……    ...
Cover of Choosing Happier - How To Be Happy Despite Your Circumstances, History Or Genes
by Jem Friar
Language: English
Release Date: April 3, 2017

Would you like to be able to choose to be happier? **Did you know **that scientists and researchers have discovered: Why some people are much happier than others? Happier people are more successful, resilient, creative, productive, kind and energetic, plus they have better health and...
Cover of How To Quickly Reaching Your Potential
by M. Dawam Fikri
Language: English
Release Date: December 23, 2017

This is the only book that dare to reveal directly the secret of the technique to achieve self-potential in the birth and the mind.        All the instructions in this book are techniques that can be easily applied by anyone, as well as a concrete step, not just describe the theory alone,...
Cover of Développer son intelligence émotionnelle

Développer son intelligence émotionnelle

Conseils pour mettre ses émotions à contribution

by Maïlys Charlier, 50Minutes.fr
Language: French
Release Date: July 23, 2015

Un guide pratique et accessible pour apprendre à gérer au mieux ses émotions afin de maximiser ses chances de réussite ! Mis en lumière par des psychologues avertis, le concept d’intelligence émotionnelle propose un nouveau regard sur les raisons du succès professionnel. Ainsi, la...
Cover of You Can't Ruin My Day

You Can't Ruin My Day

52 Wake-Up Calls to Turn Any Situation Around

by Allen Klein
Language: English
Release Date: May 14, 2015

You Can’t Ruin My Day contains 52 themes to help readers take back their power and not let other people or other situations ruin their day. Each of these themes has three sections: Wake-Up Call (the potential day-ruiner); Follow-Up Exercise (practical steps to turn it around); and Lighten-Up Laugh...
Cover of Love Illuminated

Love Illuminated

Exploring Life's Most Mystifying Subject (with the Help of 50,000 Strangers)

by Daniel Jones
Language: English
Release Date: February 4, 2014

From the editor of the New York Times' popular "Modern Love" column, the story of love from beginning to end (or not). Love. We want it. We need it. We pay it homage with songs and poems and great works of art. And when we lose it, there's no pain as intense or excruciating. For centuries...
Cover of Skip the Guilt Trap: Simple steps to help you move on with your life
by Gael Lindenfield
Language: English
Release Date: June 16, 2016

Free yourself from the guilt trap and move on with your life. Simple steps to free yourself from guilt Guilt is a major underlying cause of emotional disorders such as low self-esteem, depression, OCD and other mental illnesses. This easy-to-read guide, written by one of the UK’s most respected...
Cover of Comment prendre du temps pour soi ?
by Raphaëlle Julie H., 50 minutes
Language: French
Release Date: January 21, 2016

Découvrez enfin toutes les astuces pour prendre du temps pour soi. Dans une société où tout doit aller vite, il est particulièrement difficile de s’arrêter quelques minutes pour prendre du temps pour soi. Pourtant, cette pause est capitale pour notre équilibre. Mais comment s’organiser...
Cover of You are a badass

You are a badass

Adviezen om je #lifegoals waar te maken

by Jen Sincero
Language: Dutch
Release Date: December 15, 2018

Wil je je dromen volgen en je #lifegoals waarmaken? Lees. Dit. Boek. Voor iedereen die heeft genoten van Nice girls don't get the corner office Je bent blij met je leven, hebt leuke vriendinnen, een fijn huis, maar toch zijn er nog wel wat dingen die je anders zou willen, beter zelfs....
Cover of Feel Powerful A Two Step Proven Method for Solving Problems
Language: English
Release Date: November 16, 2015

Make Powerful Decisions Each & Every Time! "It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped." -Tony Robbins ‘Feel Powerful’ is for you if you answer yes to any of these questions:  Do you procrastinate and miss opportunities that can cost you dearly? Do...
Cover of How to Be Alone
by Sara Maitland
Language: English
Release Date: September 2, 2014

IN THIS AGE OF CONSTANT CONNECTIVITY, LEARN HOW TO ENJOY SOLITUDE AND FIND HAPPINESS WITHOUT OTHERS. Our fast-paced society does not approve of solitude; being alone is antisocial and some even find it sinister. Why is this so when autonomy, personal freedom, and individualism are more highly...
Cover of You Deserve Love!: Cosmic Tips for Finding ‘The One’
by The Abbotts
Language: English
Release Date: February 19, 2018

Everyone deserves love & so do you! The Abbotts, explain why you want love in your life, what hurdles you may find in the way & how to draw your perfect partner to you! With practical exercises, unique hints, cosmic tips & loving messages you will soon discover how to attract & keep...
Cover of New Passages

New Passages

Mapping Your Life Across Time

by Gail Sheehy
Language: English
Release Date: September 28, 2011

THE #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER Millions of readers literally defined their lives through Gail Sheehy's landmark bestseller Passages. Seven years ago she set out to write a sequel, but instead she discovered a historic revolution in the adult life cycle. . . People are taking longer to grow up and...
Cover of 行為:暴力、競爭、利他,人類行為背後的生物學



Language: Chinese
Release Date: April 3, 2019

**  關於人類的行為,前所未有的完整分析**   「要說《行為》是我曾讀過最棒的非虛構作品,也一點都不誇張。」──大衛.巴瑞許(David P. Barash),《華爾街日報》   這本書只有研究人類行為的世界級科學家薩伯斯基寫得出來,《行為》一書回答了人類最根本的問題:我們的行為從何而來?      上冊中,薩波斯基──神經科學家與靈長類動物學家──穿梭在數種學科之間,揭露我們的一舉一動背後的故事。從不同角度剖析人類行為,沒有一塊石頭忘了翻面,涵蓋從基本生物學到內分泌,到神經科學、心理學、社會學、演化理論等等的每一件事。他說故事的功力有目共睹,且深具內在邏輯。透過追溯一個行為發生前的不同時間段與系統,對目標多次出擊。   他首先檢視在精準時刻之內,究竟是什麼造就了人類行為,然後再一個階段一個階段往前追溯,最終回溯到我們這個物種更深的文化、歷史和基因遺傳。   於是,他以一秒之內的神經科學解釋開始著手,探討在行為發生一秒前大腦發生了什麼事?接著往後退一步,看到再前一個時刻,也就是兩秒到一分鐘之前,究竟我們看到、聽到及聞到什麼,促發了神經的反應而產生了行為?接著,又進一步回溯幾小時到幾天前,探討那些促使神經系統做出反應的荷爾蒙如何運作?在此,他擴大了我們的視野,讓我們思考神經生物學、內分泌學,以及我們環境給予我們刺激的感官世界,嘗試解釋發生了什麼事情。   薩伯斯基繼續推進,嘗試找出哪些環境因素會影響一個人的大腦,因此追溯到我們的青少年與童年時期、胎內環境,甚至追溯到精卵結合的那刻。最終,他試著解釋比起個人更大的種種影響因素,即文化如何形塑群體意識,而哪些生態因素又形塑文化,以此類推,最終回溯到幾千年甚至幾百萬年前,造成我們這物種演化的種種因素。透過匯總所有因素,瞭解人類的行為如何被創造出來。   ✽✽✽   下冊中,薩伯斯基著手探討人類最棘手的問題──分我群和他群、階層制度、從眾與服從、合作與競爭、同理心與慈悲心、自由意志的行使、人們對於隱喻和真實的混淆、戰爭與和平等等,從我們靈長類動物的生物起源,到人類獨特的行為模式,做了深刻、揪心但又不失幽默的分析。   尤其,我們的大腦會快速把人分成我群和他群,而且這種分類往往基於微小的差異、隨機的標準,這種歷程會自動化發生在我們的潛意識中,之後再透過認知來合理化。而這會影響我們的行為。讓我們分為我群之人做出最好的行為,卻對被分為他群的人做出糟糕的行為。   人類歷史上的戰爭、大屠殺與迫害等等,幾乎都源自於此。然而,這種區分異己的心理要如何治癒呢?生物學可以給我們什麼解方呢?作者告訴我們,儘管人類彼此傷害的行為普世皆然,但也非無可避免,透過大腦科學提供的洞見,我們可以避免讓傷害再次發生。薩伯斯基獨特的幽默,將本書寫的充滿智慧與人情味。長達近千頁的書,從頭到尾都趣味盎然,且例證豐富,無論各個領域的讀者都能從中有所收穫。 **  重點節錄:   針對人類暴力、攻擊和競爭行為,分析得最好的一本書**   ・你不可能在尚未理解恐懼(杏仁核和恐懼及攻擊有關)時,就理解攻擊行為。     ・基因的重點不是無可避免的命運,而是潛力和易受影響的程度。基因無法單獨決定任何事情。基因與環境的交互作用無所不在。比起改變基因本身,改變環境對基因的調控作用,更能產生重大影響。   ・我們在潛意識中把世界分成我群和他群,並偏好我群。我們很容易被操弄,在幾秒之內,就能決定誰是我群、誰是他群。   ・說生物系統運作得「很好」是價值中立的評估;完成美好或惡劣的事情都需要紀律、努力與意志力。「做正確的事」永遠都視脈絡而定。   ・人類發明了社經地位,等於創造出其他具階層的靈長類動物前所未見的從屬形式。   ・若有人相信大家做出恐怖又傷害的事也沒關係,這不是好事。這世界的痛苦有更大一部分來自有些人雖然反對恐怖的行為,卻在一些特殊情況時,讓自己成為例外。通往地獄的道路由合理化鋪成。   ・不管是高深莫測的道德推理能力,或者能感受到強烈的同理心,都不代表能夠真正做出困難、勇敢又富有慈悲心的事情。   ・人類願意為了象徵性的神聖價值而殺戮或被殺。透過協商,可以維持與他群的和平;理解和尊重他們神聖價值的強度有助於維持長久的和平。   ・我們最糟的行為、我們譴責與懲罰的行為,是生物機制的產物。但別忘了,同樣的道理也適用於我們最好的行為。   ・有些人的作為提供了驚人的、展現最佳人性的例子,而那些人和我們其他人其實沒有多大的差異。 得獎紀錄   ★...
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