Church Institutions category: 259 books

Cover of La lobby di Dio
by Ferruccio Pinotti
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 21, 2010

Più potente dell’Opus Dei, più efficiente della massoneria. Questo libro racconta per la prima volta dall’interno come funzionano Comunione e liberazione e il suo braccio finanziario, la Compagnia delle opere (una rete di più di 34.000 imprese, un fatturato complessivo di almeno 70 miliardi di...
Cover of The Society of the Sacred Heart in the World of Its Times 1865 -2000
by Monique Luirard
Language: English
Release Date: March 31, 2016

After the death of its founder in 1865, the Society of the Sacred Heart experienced exceptional recruitment and expansion, and departure from France of more than 2500 religious at the beginning of the century. Its story is that of the thousands of women who joined it to root their lives in its charism. In...
Cover of Una Straordinaria avventura

Una Straordinaria avventura

Storia del Movimento ecumenico in Italia (1910-2010). Prefazione di Valdo Bertalot

by Riccardo Burigana
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 1, 2014

Il volume ricostruisce, anche facendo ricorso a documentazione inedita, le vicende storiche del Movimento ecumenico italiano nell'arco di un secolo. È il tempo compreso tra la Conferenza missionaria mondiale di Edimburgo (1910) e la pubblicazione del Vademecum per la pastorale delle parrocchie cattoliche...
Cover of Die Bedeutung der Religionswissenschaft und ihrer Subdisziplinen als Bezugswissenschaften fuer die Theologie
Language: German
Release Date: August 29, 2016

Die Religionswissenschaft mit ihren beiden Subdisziplinen Religionssoziologie und Religionspsychologie hat als sogenannte „Außenperspektive" wichtige Forschungsbeiträge für die „Innenperspektive" der christlichen Theologien geliefert. Einen Konflikt stellte dabei immer wieder der...
Cover of Augustinus von Hippo

Augustinus von Hippo

Predigten zu den Psalmen I («Sermones» 1321) Predigten zu den Psalmen II («Sermones» 2234) Einleitung, Text, Uebersetzung und Anmerkungen

by Hubertus R. Drobner
Language: German
Release Date: December 26, 2016

Die Bände 11 und 12 der zweisprachigen Ausgabe der «Sermones ad populum*»* enthalten die 36 Predigten Augustins zu den Psalmen, die außerhalb seiner «Enarrationes in Psalmos*»* überliefert sind. Sie schließen die Edition der Predigten Augustins zum Alten Testament ab («Sermones*»* 1–50)....
Cover of Der «Fall Schelkle» (19291949)

Der «Fall Schelkle» (19291949)

Zur fruehen Rezeption der Formgeschichte innerhalb der katholischen Bibelwissenschaft im Spannungsfeld von lehramtlichem Widerstand, politischem Kalkuel und theologischer Erneuerung

by Markus Thurau
Language: German
Release Date: December 14, 2016

1940 spaltete die gescheiterte Promotion des Tübinger Neutestamentlers Karl Hermann Schelkle (1908–1988) die Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät der Universität Tübingen. Die Aufarbeitung dieses Konfliktes legt nicht nur ein vergessenes Kapitel Tübinger Fakultätsgeschichte frei, sondern wirft...
Cover of Gott bleibt Israel treu

Gott bleibt Israel treu

Die Bundesbeziehung Gottes zu Israel im Sinaibund als Argumentationsgrundlage in Roemer 911

by Benjamin Lange
Language: German
Release Date: February 13, 2017

Die Kapitel 9–11 des Römerbriefes sind für die Frage nach der Bedeutung Israels im Neuen Testament von zentraler Bedeutung. In welcher Weise Paulus dabei das Alte Testament verwendet, ist in der Forschung jedoch umstritten. In dieser Studie wird anhand der Zitate aus dem Kontext des Sinaibundes...
Cover of Kings and Queens
by Andre CRONJE
Language: English
Release Date: December 7, 2018

Kings and Queens - This is a book for Kings and Queens, for the king's servants, and for the queen's loyal subjects. Leaders, Lawyers, and Lawmen, all are God's scepter on earth and has the God-given duty and responsibility to establish and secure moral and political laws to establish safety and security to all citizens seeking peace and justice.
Cover of Organisation et vie de l'Église catholique

Organisation et vie de l'Église catholique

Les Grands Articles d'Universalis

by Encyclopaedia Universalis
Language: French
Release Date: June 27, 2016

L'organisation du pouvoir suprême dans l'Église catholique présente cette particularité singulière qu'il appartient dans sa plénitude (enseignement authentique de la Parole de Dieu contenue dans la Révélation et commandement sous les trois aspects classiques : législatif, exécutif et judiciaire)...
Cover of The Salvation Army Year Book 2016
by Deslea Maxwell
Language: English
Release Date: December 3, 2015

From General André Cox’s foreword: ‘This edition of The Year Book provides many facts and much information about the work of the worldwide Salvation Army. May this resource encourage you to prayer and service that the world might be won for Jesus Christ.’
Cover of When Atheism Becomes Religion

When Atheism Becomes Religion

America's New Fundamentalists

by Chris Hedges
Language: English
Release Date: March 10, 2009

From the New York Times bestselling author of American Fascists and the NBCC finalist for War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning comes this timely and compelling work about new atheists: those who attack religion to advance the worst of global capitalism, intolerance and imperial projects. Chris...
Cover of The Frankfurt School on Religion

The Frankfurt School on Religion

Key Writings by the Major Thinkers

Language: English
Release Date: July 22, 2005

In "The Frankfurt School on Religion," Eduardo Mendieta has brought together a collection of readings and essays revealing both the deep connections that the Frankfurt School has always maintained with religion as well as the significant contribution that its work has to offer. Rather than...
Cover of Down in the Chapel

Down in the Chapel

Religious Life in an American Prison

by Joshua Dubler
Language: English
Release Date: August 13, 2013

A bold and provocative interpretation of one of the most religiously vibrant places in America—a state penitentiary Baraka, Al, Teddy, and Sayyid—four black men from South Philadelphia, two Christian and two Muslim—are serving life sentences at Pennsylvania's maximum-security Graterford...
Cover of I Am The Last Messenger of Allah
by Elijah Muhammad
Language: English
Release Date: February 9, 2012

Muhammad said a Messenger would rise up every hundred years. He didn't say he was the last one. And if I say I am the Messenger of Allah and Allah has given to me the name Muhammad, what right do you have trying to take authority over Allah and Islam to tell Allah whom he should choose and what...
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