Applied Psychology category: 2264 books

Cover of Digitaal minimalisme

Digitaal minimalisme

doelbewust omgaan met digitale overvloed

by Cal Newport
Language: Dutch
Release Date: February 22, 2019

Aandachtsexpert Cal Newport legt in ‘Digitaal minimalisme’ uit hoe je doelbewust kan omgaan met digitale overvloed. Steeds meer mensen maken zich zorgen over de invloed van de computer en met name de smartphone op onze concentratie, sociale relaties en tevredenheid. Op z’n minst zien we dat...
Cover of The H Factor of Personality

The H Factor of Personality

Why Some People Are Manipulative, Self-Entitled, Materialistic, and Exploitive—And Why It Matters for Everyone

by Kibeom Lee, Michael C. Ashton
Language: English
Release Date: May 21, 2013

The “H” in the H factor stands for “Honesty-Humility,” and it’s one of only six basic dimensions of personality. People who have high levels of H are sincere and modest; people who have low levels are deceitful and pretentious. It isn’t intuitively obvious that traits of honesty and humility...
Cover of Empowering The Heart

Empowering The Heart

Simple Steps to Restore Your Peace, Heal The Hurt and Share Your Gifts

by Bertrand Babinet, Kimberly Jonas
Language: English
Release Date: January 7, 2019

"Empowering The Heart" is a new philosophy of life based on the power of love and inner peace. In this book Dr. Babinet shares his personal journey of transformation as a modern-day shaman and reveals some unique keys to spiritiual empowerment. He provides a framework for understanding life's...
Cover of Becoming the Iceman: Pushing Past Perceived Limits
by Wim Hof and Justin Rosales
Language: English
Release Date: November 14, 2011

In this book you will learn the following: - The story behind The Iceman (Wim Hof) - How someone else (Justin Rosales) trained to become like The Iceman - Exclusive methods and exercises to teach YOU how to become like The Iceman using a step-by-step guide! - How to push past your perceived limits! For...
Cover of The Procrastinator's Guide to Getting Things Done
by Monica Ramirez Basco, PhD
Language: English
Release Date: December 21, 2009

Everyone waits till the last minute sometimes. But many procrastinators pay a significant price, from poor job performance to stress, financial problems, and relationship conflicts. Fortunately, just as anyone can endlessly delay, anyone can learn how to stop! Cognitive-behavioral therapy expert Monica...
Cover of Conquering Fear in the 21st Century: Release the Distressing Emotion
by Desmond Gahan
Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2018

Fear is the enemy of success. Large rewards only result from taking comparably large risks. If you're ruled by fear, you'll never take enough risks and never achieve success you deserve. If I've learned anything in this life, it's that the actions that scared me the most at the time--leaving...
Cover of Einige Charaktertypen aus der psychoanalytischen Arbeit
by Sigmund Freud
Language: German
Release Date: March 15, 2015

Dieses eBook: "Einige Charaktertypen aus der psychoanalytischen Arbeit" ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgfältig korrekturgelesen. Aus dem Buch: "Die psychoanalytische Arbeit sieht sich immer wieder vor die Aufgabe gestellt, den Kranken...
Cover of Sigmund Freud: Die endliche und die unendliche Analyse
by Sigmund Freud
Language: German
Release Date: November 15, 2017

Diese Ausgabe wurde mit einem funktionalen Layout erstellt und sorgfältig formatiert. Aus dem Buch: "In einem Zusatz zur Krankengeschichte (1923) habe ich schon berichtet, daß dies nicht zutraf. Als er gegen Kriegsende als mittelloser Flüchtling nach Wien zurückkam, mußte ich ihm dabei helfen,...
Cover of How to Cheat on Your Man and Get Away with it
by Arzu Emelek
Language: English
Release Date: March 24, 2019

Cheating on your husband – Or want to? Then cheating on your man never got so easy! Professionally trained Psychologist Arzu Elemek guides you, leads you, even coaches you on the perfect way to having your fun on the side and getting away with it – A step-by-step  guide to having your cake and...
Cover of From the Radical Center

From the Radical Center

The Heart of Gestalt Therapy

by Erving Polster, Miriam Polster
Language: English
Release Date: April 15, 2013

This remarkable collection traces central themes in the work of Erving and Miriam Polster, two of the best-known and best loved Gestalt therapists in the world. The writings herein span 4 decades in the history of psychotherapy, bringing together practical, theoretical and aesthetic dimensions of...
Cover of Meditation Made Stupid Simple: 7 Illustrated Step by Step Guide to Effortlessly Ending Stress, Overcoming Depression and Finding Your Path to Happiness
by Betty Johnson
Language: English
Release Date: January 5, 2015

Do you constantly experiencing the following symptoms: Stress out from work, money and relationship? Depressed over your life situations and feel that you are trapped? Unable to sleep well at night? Feels empty inside and wish for more spirituality in your life? Angry at the world for not 'treating'...
Cover of Perdersi per poi ritrovarsi
by Francesca Saccà
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 28, 2011

Percorrendo il sentiero della vita capita di smarrirsi, di inciampare, di ferirsi o peggio ancora di cadere. E’ assolutamente normale perdersi. Rialzarsi, ritrovarsi e ritornare sul sentiero, per quanto difficile, è segno di evoluzione interiore. Con questo E-book la Dott.ssa Francesca Saccà,...
Cover of Selbstbehauptung: SELBSTBEHAUPTUNG LERNEN – DAS PRAXISBUCH! Wie Sie in 15 Tagen Ihr Durchsetzungsvermögen stärken, höflich nein sagen und Grenzen setzen, im Beruf erfolgreich verhandeln und auch privat Ihre Wünsche durchsetzen

Selbstbehauptung: SELBSTBEHAUPTUNG LERNEN – DAS PRAXISBUCH! Wie Sie in 15 Tagen Ihr Durchsetzungsvermögen stärken, höflich nein sagen und Grenzen setzen, im Beruf erfolgreich verhandeln und auch privat Ihre Wünsche durchsetzen

(inkl. Glaubenssätze verändern die Selbstbehauptung verhindern) (Selbstbehauptung, nein sagen, Grenzen setzen, durchsetzen, Durchsetzungsvermögen, Selbstvertrauen, Selbstbewusstsein, Selbstbewusstsein stärken, sich durchsetzen, Verhandlungstec...

by Cosima Sieger
Language: German
Release Date: June 28, 2017

SELBSTBEHAUPTUNG LERNEN – DIE PRAXIS! WIE SELBSTBEHAUPTUNG WIRKLICH FUNKTIONIERT: Sich durchsetzen, sich selbst behaupten oder auch mal Grenzen setzen und freundlich, aber bestimmt nein sagen ist oft gar nicht so einfach. Aber warum fällt das eigentlich vielen Menschen so schwer? Und was unterscheidet...
Cover of Theorizing Complementary and Alternative Medicines
by E. Sointu
Language: English
Release Date: April 5, 2012

Rather than physiological health only, complementary and alternative medicines aim at the production of wellbeing. This book explores how the increasing proliferation of holistic health methods are intimately connected with changing configurations of selfhood, gender and class.
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