Sly Satoshi is handsome, hilarious...and a huge flirt. It's too bad his naive step-cousin Naoyuki has no idea how to handle him! And when Satoshi's scheming ex Hiroto decides to try his very best (or worst) to tear the couple apart, poor Naoyuki can't decide who to trust. Will his bond with Satsoshi survive a spin-out...or will these two passionate boys crash and burn?
Sly Satoshi is handsome, hilarious...and a huge flirt. It's too bad his naive step-cousin Naoyuki has no idea how to handle him! And when Satoshi's scheming ex Hiroto decides to try his very best (or worst) to tear the couple apart, poor Naoyuki can't decide who to trust. Will his bond with Satsoshi survive a spin-out...or will these two passionate boys crash and burn?