Young people want to go to college for the big social, coming of age experience but if you don’t come from a wealthy family, I say skip your fantasies of the college fun experience that you got from movies, get a job while you go to either a community college or take online courses for the first two years then attend a local college live in the flesh. When I was young, college was cheap and fun. I think the atmosphere has changed. It’s more expensive now. Pick a practical major then focus on getting that degree as quickly as possible to start making money. You can focus on your artsy explorations anytime. It’s all about making money. Make a plan and stick to it. Chapter 1. Money for College Paying for College One-Liners Take as many lower division credits as possible from a community college or online where it's cheaper. All that employers will consider is the degree itself and the name of the institution that eventually grants the degree.
Young people want to go to college for the big social, coming of age experience but if you don’t come from a wealthy family, I say skip your fantasies of the college fun experience that you got from movies, get a job while you go to either a community college or take online courses for the first two years then attend a local college live in the flesh. When I was young, college was cheap and fun. I think the atmosphere has changed. It’s more expensive now. Pick a practical major then focus on getting that degree as quickly as possible to start making money. You can focus on your artsy explorations anytime. It’s all about making money. Make a plan and stick to it. Chapter 1. Money for College Paying for College One-Liners Take as many lower division credits as possible from a community college or online where it's cheaper. All that employers will consider is the degree itself and the name of the institution that eventually grants the degree.