The premise of democracy is sounder than its modern application persisting under terrible inefficiencies and suffering episodes of mismanagement. Improvement can be achieved by re-organizing the distribution of powers and responsibilities between branches, modulating the number of current chambers or branches, or by installing more sophisticated institutions. For example, an executive branch might be split into three principals rather than continue a unitary structure, a legislature could assume the responsibilities of either the executive or judicial branches, reserve branches can conserve political expertise and moderate popular movements, and true democratic chambers grant access not achievable by contemporary republican structures.
The premise of democracy is sounder than its modern application persisting under terrible inefficiencies and suffering episodes of mismanagement. Improvement can be achieved by re-organizing the distribution of powers and responsibilities between branches, modulating the number of current chambers or branches, or by installing more sophisticated institutions. For example, an executive branch might be split into three principals rather than continue a unitary structure, a legislature could assume the responsibilities of either the executive or judicial branches, reserve branches can conserve political expertise and moderate popular movements, and true democratic chambers grant access not achievable by contemporary republican structures.