Dispensing means to distribute. God dispenses Himself to you just as you may dispense food to your guests. Many readers of the Bible have realized that in the Gospel of John the Father is revealed, the Son is revealed, and the Spirit is revealed. But not many have realized that in the Gospel of John the Triune Godthe Father, the Son, and the Spiritis revealed for the dispensing of Himself into us first as life, then as life supply, and then as everything.
Dispensing means to distribute. God dispenses Himself to you just as you may dispense food to your guests. Many readers of the Bible have realized that in the Gospel of John the Father is revealed, the Son is revealed, and the Spirit is revealed. But not many have realized that in the Gospel of John the Triune Godthe Father, the Son, and the Spiritis revealed for the dispensing of Himself into us first as life, then as life supply, and then as everything.