Tantric Porno is a short story collection that follows a young woman through sexual maturity. "Motivations" discusses early exposure to porn, LGBT, and respect. Blowjobs abound.
In early life, Entrada's perceptions of sexuality are modified through religious taboos, and pornographic exposure. As she grows older, the experiences become more problematic. "Motivations" describes her loss of virginity, and descent into hyper-sexual indulgence. Her ownership of sexuality brands her as a slut, and she relocates to college in order to further understand and possess her sexuality. When Entrada meets Tara, a woman from her Human Sexuality and Women's Issues course, Tara offers an erotic entanglement, as well as the contact number an esoteric sex therapist: Yogi Tajmabuddhi. Join Entrada as she discovers the secrets of sexual fulfillment.
Warning: This book contains graphic depictions of sexual activity, intimacy, and volatile cultural examination. If you are ready to get the blood flowing to your head and between your legs, then this is the book for you.
Tantric Porno is a short story collection that follows a young woman through sexual maturity. "Motivations" discusses early exposure to porn, LGBT, and respect. Blowjobs abound.
In early life, Entrada's perceptions of sexuality are modified through religious taboos, and pornographic exposure. As she grows older, the experiences become more problematic. "Motivations" describes her loss of virginity, and descent into hyper-sexual indulgence. Her ownership of sexuality brands her as a slut, and she relocates to college in order to further understand and possess her sexuality. When Entrada meets Tara, a woman from her Human Sexuality and Women's Issues course, Tara offers an erotic entanglement, as well as the contact number an esoteric sex therapist: Yogi Tajmabuddhi. Join Entrada as she discovers the secrets of sexual fulfillment.
Warning: This book contains graphic depictions of sexual activity, intimacy, and volatile cultural examination. If you are ready to get the blood flowing to your head and between your legs, then this is the book for you.