This book provides explanations and remediations to the OWASP Top 10 for 2013 web application security vulnerabilities. Java coding techniques are provided within to show how to mitigate attacks. This book shows programmers how to minimize the likelihood of security vulnerabilities in their web application. This book provides Java developers the knowledge of each OWASP Top 10 category to bring awareness and understanding in order to remediate and prevent web application security weaknesses.
This book provides explanations and remediations to the OWASP Top 10 for 2013 web application security vulnerabilities. Java coding techniques are provided within to show how to mitigate attacks. This book shows programmers how to minimize the likelihood of security vulnerabilities in their web application. This book provides Java developers the knowledge of each OWASP Top 10 category to bring awareness and understanding in order to remediate and prevent web application security weaknesses.