I am who I have been since I started, Jack O'Green: Solly Mont - Storyweaver The Unknown One - The Wanderer - The Soldier. I am Wisdom's Servant, Wisdom's Slave. I am no-one. But I will see humanity shine. I will see them rise above the muck of their lives and take their rightful place in the universe. I will see man sparkle like a handful of diamonds. I will see humanity make the Creator proud. I will lead them into the light, Jack O'Green, and I will do it againand again until I get it right! With these words, Solly hurls his challengedirectly into the teeth of eternity as he daresconfront time itself in his never-ending battle forthe survival of humanity.
I am who I have been since I started, Jack O'Green: Solly Mont - Storyweaver The Unknown One - The Wanderer - The Soldier. I am Wisdom's Servant, Wisdom's Slave. I am no-one. But I will see humanity shine. I will see them rise above the muck of their lives and take their rightful place in the universe. I will see man sparkle like a handful of diamonds. I will see humanity make the Creator proud. I will lead them into the light, Jack O'Green, and I will do it againand again until I get it right! With these words, Solly hurls his challengedirectly into the teeth of eternity as he daresconfront time itself in his never-ending battle forthe survival of humanity.