“She went out on a limb, had it break off, and realized she could fly.” We’ve all been there on occasion. We’ve over-reached and achieved success by reaching deep within, rallying, and overcoming life’s difficulties and challenges that would keep us from our goals. For every woman who has said, “I can” in place of, “I can’t,” author and illustrator Sandy Gingras offers inspiration inside She Went Out on a Limb, an illustrated list book of positive and affirming phrases, some original, some quoted.
“She went out on a limb, had it break off, and realized she could fly.” We’ve all been there on occasion. We’ve over-reached and achieved success by reaching deep within, rallying, and overcoming life’s difficulties and challenges that would keep us from our goals. For every woman who has said, “I can” in place of, “I can’t,” author and illustrator Sandy Gingras offers inspiration inside She Went Out on a Limb, an illustrated list book of positive and affirming phrases, some original, some quoted.