Mathematics plays a vital role in every field of our daily life. It is a field where guesses will not work. MATHEMATICS Simplified has been specially created for students who are preparing for various competitive examinations like GMAT, CAT, NDA, CDS, banking, etc. It has been written to understand the tricks of problem solving in a better way. There are many comprehensive questions with sufficient examples from a beginner to an advanced level. A question bank, with most of the questions drawn from different examinations papers, has been specially designed for thorough practice and better understanding of the subject.
Mathematics plays a vital role in every field of our daily life. It is a field where guesses will not work. MATHEMATICS Simplified has been specially created for students who are preparing for various competitive examinations like GMAT, CAT, NDA, CDS, banking, etc. It has been written to understand the tricks of problem solving in a better way. There are many comprehensive questions with sufficient examples from a beginner to an advanced level. A question bank, with most of the questions drawn from different examinations papers, has been specially designed for thorough practice and better understanding of the subject.