From Manga University and Saori Takarai, the creator of Manga Moods, comes the delightful Manga Sisters, now available on your Kobo! Saori and Misato Takarai know exactly what it means to be "manga sisters." The two artists grew up in Tokyo and, like most siblings, learned how to be both competitive and compassionate as they dealt with parents, teachers, boyfriends and perhaps most difficult of all each other. Now, they share their secrets of manga sisterhood in this illustrated book from Manga University.
From Manga University and Saori Takarai, the creator of Manga Moods, comes the delightful Manga Sisters, now available on your Kobo! Saori and Misato Takarai know exactly what it means to be "manga sisters." The two artists grew up in Tokyo and, like most siblings, learned how to be both competitive and compassionate as they dealt with parents, teachers, boyfriends and perhaps most difficult of all each other. Now, they share their secrets of manga sisterhood in this illustrated book from Manga University.