What does it mean to be man right now? How did we get to where we are? What affects the way we think about ourselves? How can men live more deeply fulfilling lives? In the not-too-distant past, a man’s self-worth, being a provider and protector, were strongly tied to his work. With global financial pressures, changes in employment and gender roles in flux, the traditional roles of men are changing. Health, sexuality, intimacy and emotional mobility underpin a man’s capacity to relate, which in turn informs the quality of his interpersonal relationships and ultimately, society. Join ‘Man Unplugged’ as John takes you on a journey through the inner world of men, exploring the multiple facets of why we are as we are. You’ll understand the steps men can take to instil lasting change, resulting in authentic men, connected relationships, happier families and stronger communities.
What does it mean to be man right now? How did we get to where we are? What affects the way we think about ourselves? How can men live more deeply fulfilling lives? In the not-too-distant past, a man’s self-worth, being a provider and protector, were strongly tied to his work. With global financial pressures, changes in employment and gender roles in flux, the traditional roles of men are changing. Health, sexuality, intimacy and emotional mobility underpin a man’s capacity to relate, which in turn informs the quality of his interpersonal relationships and ultimately, society. Join ‘Man Unplugged’ as John takes you on a journey through the inner world of men, exploring the multiple facets of why we are as we are. You’ll understand the steps men can take to instil lasting change, resulting in authentic men, connected relationships, happier families and stronger communities.