A ship of refugees from the distant planet of Alokina arrives over Los Angeles. While visiting the city below, their charismatic "Most High" leader encounters a young, female, "Earthborn" doctor with whom he detects an unexpected connection, which had been set in play by the alien scouts who arrived centuries earlier. The Most High seeks to recruit the young doctor and use her unique abilities to aid his mission. She, then, is reluctantly drawn into the growing conflict between the alien factions, and the Earth interests determined to control them.
A ship of refugees from the distant planet of Alokina arrives over Los Angeles. While visiting the city below, their charismatic "Most High" leader encounters a young, female, "Earthborn" doctor with whom he detects an unexpected connection, which had been set in play by the alien scouts who arrived centuries earlier. The Most High seeks to recruit the young doctor and use her unique abilities to aid his mission. She, then, is reluctantly drawn into the growing conflict between the alien factions, and the Earth interests determined to control them.