"Honor's Way," the second book in the "Saga of Magiskeep," follows "Kingdom Beyond the Rim" with three tales of Magic in one volume. "Master of the Clouds" is a bittersweet story in which Jamus faces the memories of his own childhood through the eyes of a young boy whose dreams exceed the limits of Magic itself. In "Vows," a vengeful Sorceress allies with the Shadows to destroy Jamus' happiness. "Everafter" spins a twisted path along Turan's Way when Jamus and Salene find themselves facing a familiar and powerful royal foe.
"Honor's Way," the second book in the "Saga of Magiskeep," follows "Kingdom Beyond the Rim" with three tales of Magic in one volume. "Master of the Clouds" is a bittersweet story in which Jamus faces the memories of his own childhood through the eyes of a young boy whose dreams exceed the limits of Magic itself. In "Vows," a vengeful Sorceress allies with the Shadows to destroy Jamus' happiness. "Everafter" spins a twisted path along Turan's Way when Jamus and Salene find themselves facing a familiar and powerful royal foe.