This is a story of a loved one gone, but not forgotten. It's told by a young woman I have known since she was a baby. She was that little girl that could steal your heart and make you laugh…and that caused her parents’ prayer life to increase. This book represents an honest approach to life and death, to being overcome and overcoming. Kasey has done what many pastors fail to do in times of grief. She's been honest. She's faced the emotions head-on. She hasn't fallen for catch phrases and Christian slogans. And Kasey isn’t merely a survivor. No, she’s an overcomer. There is no "pie in the sky" theology here. Just honest, forthright confession of the struggles of a mom, dad, husband, and wife going through a horrific tragedy. I'm grateful Kasey wrote this. I'm honored to write the forward. The pain of writing your own story is offset by the knowledge that somewhere, someone has faced a similar crisis and has no one who understands. Kasey and her family have "been there." Consider this book a grace gift. If it has found its way into your hands, you can pause and thank God for a beautiful young mother and wife who had the courage to say, "You aren't alone."
This is a story of a loved one gone, but not forgotten. It's told by a young woman I have known since she was a baby. She was that little girl that could steal your heart and make you laugh…and that caused her parents’ prayer life to increase. This book represents an honest approach to life and death, to being overcome and overcoming. Kasey has done what many pastors fail to do in times of grief. She's been honest. She's faced the emotions head-on. She hasn't fallen for catch phrases and Christian slogans. And Kasey isn’t merely a survivor. No, she’s an overcomer. There is no "pie in the sky" theology here. Just honest, forthright confession of the struggles of a mom, dad, husband, and wife going through a horrific tragedy. I'm grateful Kasey wrote this. I'm honored to write the forward. The pain of writing your own story is offset by the knowledge that somewhere, someone has faced a similar crisis and has no one who understands. Kasey and her family have "been there." Consider this book a grace gift. If it has found its way into your hands, you can pause and thank God for a beautiful young mother and wife who had the courage to say, "You aren't alone."