When the fairies abduct a young girl from the town of Creel there begins a series of events that will ultimately shape the future of the land of Lissendel. Old foes must face each other in a deathly struggle: Largol a power-obsessed wizard with a rapacious nature and an evil heart and Garret Dimple a simply remarkable individual with a generous spirit and an unflinching willingness to help those in need.An old curse has been reawakened and brought down on Lissendel by Largol for his own avaricious intentions. Now there are no fish in any of Lissendels rivers and none swimming to her shores and all her crops have started to fail. Only the singing of a sacred song at a special time and place by a creature known as the Salmon Girl can dispel the curse. It has all happened before and now it is happening again. The problem this time is that the Salmon Girl has gone into hiding and is nowhere to be found. Has the young abducted girl the voice to master the Song of the Salmon Girl or will Garret Dimple find the real Salmon Girl in time to stop Largols evil plan?Garret Dimple and the Song of the Salmon Girl is the first in a series of books that will see many of the same characters take on other such adventures. The second book in the series is called Garret Dimple and the Curse of the Shadow-takers and is a work in progress. The original idea for the book and the main characters name Garret Dimple came to me in a dream. And while it is mainly a childrens fantasy book many of the scenes and themes throughout the story have their origins in Irish folklore
When the fairies abduct a young girl from the town of Creel there begins a series of events that will ultimately shape the future of the land of Lissendel. Old foes must face each other in a deathly struggle: Largol a power-obsessed wizard with a rapacious nature and an evil heart and Garret Dimple a simply remarkable individual with a generous spirit and an unflinching willingness to help those in need.An old curse has been reawakened and brought down on Lissendel by Largol for his own avaricious intentions. Now there are no fish in any of Lissendels rivers and none swimming to her shores and all her crops have started to fail. Only the singing of a sacred song at a special time and place by a creature known as the Salmon Girl can dispel the curse. It has all happened before and now it is happening again. The problem this time is that the Salmon Girl has gone into hiding and is nowhere to be found. Has the young abducted girl the voice to master the Song of the Salmon Girl or will Garret Dimple find the real Salmon Girl in time to stop Largols evil plan?Garret Dimple and the Song of the Salmon Girl is the first in a series of books that will see many of the same characters take on other such adventures. The second book in the series is called Garret Dimple and the Curse of the Shadow-takers and is a work in progress. The original idea for the book and the main characters name Garret Dimple came to me in a dream. And while it is mainly a childrens fantasy book many of the scenes and themes throughout the story have their origins in Irish folklore