This story is a Japanese romantic fiction, inspired by Boys love dramas, that follows a series of events in the main character’s, Misaki Okuma, life that leads him to fall back in love with his former high school crush and boyfriend Hiroshi Taketa. After learning his new boss is his ex-boyfriend, he begins to feel unusually aggravated because of his ex-boyfriend’s constant expressing of his feelings for him. Misaki finds that having Hiroshi Taketa back in his life had been causing nothing but problems. Misaki continuously ponders across the questions of why Hiroshi left him if he cared so much about him, and why he didn’t tell him he was leaving. He searched for the answer within, but he stayed away from asking Hiroshi directly because he refused to act as though he still cared. Misaki vowed, to himself, that he would never love again, but the trials and tribulations involved in his and Hiroshi’s new life together proved his feelings for Hiroshi were there to stay forever, within his heart.
This story is a Japanese romantic fiction, inspired by Boys love dramas, that follows a series of events in the main character’s, Misaki Okuma, life that leads him to fall back in love with his former high school crush and boyfriend Hiroshi Taketa. After learning his new boss is his ex-boyfriend, he begins to feel unusually aggravated because of his ex-boyfriend’s constant expressing of his feelings for him. Misaki finds that having Hiroshi Taketa back in his life had been causing nothing but problems. Misaki continuously ponders across the questions of why Hiroshi left him if he cared so much about him, and why he didn’t tell him he was leaving. He searched for the answer within, but he stayed away from asking Hiroshi directly because he refused to act as though he still cared. Misaki vowed, to himself, that he would never love again, but the trials and tribulations involved in his and Hiroshi’s new life together proved his feelings for Hiroshi were there to stay forever, within his heart.