You can help yourself and help your attorney by knowing the best way to prepare and the best way to present the evidence in your Custody And Visitation case. Every judge has a list of things that they must evaluate before they can make a decision in the custody case. If you know what those things are and how you should present them you have the advantage. Preparation is everything, and you will be the one who is prepared if you read these pages and follow these tips. Everything from how to put together a “parenting plan” to how to act and things to say to a “custody evaluator” are included.
You can help yourself and help your attorney by knowing the best way to prepare and the best way to present the evidence in your Custody And Visitation case. Every judge has a list of things that they must evaluate before they can make a decision in the custody case. If you know what those things are and how you should present them you have the advantage. Preparation is everything, and you will be the one who is prepared if you read these pages and follow these tips. Everything from how to put together a “parenting plan” to how to act and things to say to a “custody evaluator” are included.