‘Cancer the Defeated Foe’ After speaking alongside an oncologist at a seminar for victims of cancer, I learnt that fifty percent of our nation is likely to be affected with this dreaded disease and twenty-seven percent of our population are likely to die. However in God, cancer is just a word and not a death sentence. This book contains a collection of personal testimonies of people who have survived their ordeal through the power of prayer and the miraculous intervention of God. These testimonies include breast cancer - tumours - bowel and prostate cancer as well as cancer of the cervix and abdomen.
‘Cancer the Defeated Foe’ After speaking alongside an oncologist at a seminar for victims of cancer, I learnt that fifty percent of our nation is likely to be affected with this dreaded disease and twenty-seven percent of our population are likely to die. However in God, cancer is just a word and not a death sentence. This book contains a collection of personal testimonies of people who have survived their ordeal through the power of prayer and the miraculous intervention of God. These testimonies include breast cancer - tumours - bowel and prostate cancer as well as cancer of the cervix and abdomen.