A major revision, the merely documentary gone, the symbolist-poetic intensified. Past and present, nature raw and cooked, imagistic juxtapositions, sunlit urn with cypresses, flames glowing as the ground thaws for a midwinter Minnesota grave. Enigmatic mannequin, pensive boys, racing girls, sentinel in the sky.
You don't need specific locations. This is all about possibilities, emblems, icons, moods, never settling down into a single mode, a single statement. Everything is in motion or with motion latent. The lyrical calms of sunset grass and pristine pebbled beach are sites for couples. not death-wish yearnings. There's a lovely wedding kiss. The cover's key-setting figure with bike at that dreamlike empty intersection has the potency that comes when the eye has fastened on something without the mind fully knowing why.
Escapes from "the malady of the quotidian." Lyrical/dramatic compositions. By the author of "Atget and the City."
A major revision, the merely documentary gone, the symbolist-poetic intensified. Past and present, nature raw and cooked, imagistic juxtapositions, sunlit urn with cypresses, flames glowing as the ground thaws for a midwinter Minnesota grave. Enigmatic mannequin, pensive boys, racing girls, sentinel in the sky.
You don't need specific locations. This is all about possibilities, emblems, icons, moods, never settling down into a single mode, a single statement. Everything is in motion or with motion latent. The lyrical calms of sunset grass and pristine pebbled beach are sites for couples. not death-wish yearnings. There's a lovely wedding kiss. The cover's key-setting figure with bike at that dreamlike empty intersection has the potency that comes when the eye has fastened on something without the mind fully knowing why.
Escapes from "the malady of the quotidian." Lyrical/dramatic compositions. By the author of "Atget and the City."