Roberta Grova: 6 books

Cover of Lose weight with Yoga and Breathing
by Roberta Grova
Language: English
Release Date: May 18, 2015

Lose weight with yoga and breathing: Tips to overcome emotional eating and stress. This book is about the importance of proper breathing, postures and meditation, to overcome emotional eating and stress. The 40 illustrated exercises are divided into three sections: exercises to lose weight and tone...
Cover of Dimagrire con lo Yoga e la Respirazione
by Roberta Grova
Language: English
Release Date: January 25, 2015

Ma lo yoga fa dimagrire? Quante volte mi sono sentita rivolgere questa domanda dai miei allievi. La risposta è nelle ricerche fatte sino ad oggi, di cui parlerò nel libro, e che confermano che praticare yoga aiuta a perdere peso e può prevenire la crescita di peso tipica della mezza età. In questo...
Cover of Shape your body with Yoga & Breathing
by Roberta Grova
Language: English
Release Date: May 15, 2015

Can you lose weight doing yoga? I've heard this question so many times from my students. The answer based on the research done so far is Yes. In this book I discuss the research which confirms that practicing yoga can help you lose weight and prevent weight gain which is typical when approaching middle...
Cover of Cooking courses in Sardinia - The recipes of Mary and Roby
by Roberta Grova
Language: English
Release Date: December 20, 2016

"Cooking courses in Sardinia - The recipes of Mary and Roby" is a video book, which contains video and text instructions of 12 Sardinian recipes. In this first edition, the interactive book explains how delicious cold and hot appetizers, main dishes and desserts, are prepared: from the bread...
Cover of Corsi di cucina in Sardegna - Le ricette di Mary e Roby
by Roberta Grova
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 17, 2016

"Corsi di cucina in Sardegna - Le ricette di Mary e Roby" è un video libro che contiene istruzioni testuali ed in video di 12 ricette sarde. In questo suo primo numero, il libro interattivo spiega in maniera semplice e sintetica come vengono preparati deliziosi antipasti, primi piatti,...
Cover of Kochkurse in Sardinien - Die Rezepte von Mary und Roby
by Roberta Grova
Language: German
Release Date: December 20, 2016

"Kochkurse in Sardinien - Die Rezepte von Mary und Roby" ist ein Videobuch, das Video- und Textanweisungen von 12 sardischen Rezepten enthält. In seiner ersten Ausgabe wird in dem interaktiven Buch einfach und schematisch erklärt, wie leckere kalte und warme Vorspeisen, Hauptgerichte und...
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