P: 5221 books

Cover of Distorsiones
by David Roas
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 27, 2016

Distorsiones de David Roas es una summa de la literatura fantástica y un cruce entre la Frikipædia y el Necronomicón. Ni Woody Allen y Groucho Marx escribiendo juntos para Twilight Zone habrían urdido una historia mejor que "Das Kapital" o "Locus Amoenus". Los cuentos de David...
Cover of Die Weltenbaumler
by Gerd Scherm
Language: German
Release Date: October 20, 2017

Die Welt der Götter steht kopf! In Asgard wird ein Gott ermordet und die mythischen Tiere gründen eine Selbsthilfegruppe. Die nordischen Götter planen Ragnarök, den Weltuntergang, und Loki spielt sein ganz eigenes Spiel. Der Drache erlegt Siegfried und ein trickreiches Eichhörnchen wirbelt den...
Cover of Der Nomadengott
by Gerd Scherm
Language: German
Release Date: October 20, 2017

Ägypten im Jahr 1500 v. Chr.: Der Pharao will alle Fremden aus dem Land treiben und selbst die Götter haben Probleme – untereinander und mit den Menschen. Der Krokodilgott Suchos verliert seinen göttlichen Hausschlüssel und Osiris ist seit seiner Ermordung durch Seth ziemlich depressiv. Seshmosis,...
Cover of Die Irrfahrer
by Gerd Scherm
Language: German
Release Date: October 20, 2017

GON, der kleinste Gott der Welt, und sein Prophet Seshmosis sind wieder unterwegs. Diesmal geht es kreuz und quer durch die Ägäis und die Welt der olympischen Götter. Ob im Labyrinth des Minotaurus, vor den Toren Trojas oder auf der Irrfahrt des Odysseus, das bunte Völkchen der Tajarim sorgt dafür,...
Cover of Le Mangeur de poudre

Le Mangeur de poudre

( Édition intégrale )

by Gustave Aimard, Jules-B. d’Auriac
Language: French
Release Date: May 28, 2018

"Les evenements dont le recit va suivre se sont passes a l'epoque ou eut lieu la premiere grande emigration pour l'Ouest: d'innombrables aventuriers sillonnaient alors les fleuves, les forets et les vallees de l'Ohio; mais quelque nombreuse que fut cette fourmiliere humaine, elle n'avait encore...
Cover of Dynamic Memory 100% Success in Exams
by Tarun Chakarborty
Language: English
Release Date: February 9, 2015

Attend every class regularly. Pay attention to secure good marks. Do not be afraid to ask for clarification, if anything is unclear. Do assigned homework periodically. Even if the homework is experimental, you will gain by practice. Practice alone will improve your skills to the anticipated level...
Cover of Your Amazing Itty Bitty® Real Estate Exam Book

Your Amazing Itty Bitty® Real Estate Exam Book

15 Steps to PASSING Your Real Estate Exam With Flying Colors

by Stephanie Stern
Language: English
Release Date: September 27, 2017

Passing Your Real Estate Exam 15 Key Steps to the state requirements for entering the lucrative world of buying and selling property. The Real Estate Industry is vast with a solid history of investment leaving it ripe for sales, construction and portfolio diversification. In this forthright Itty Bitty...
Cover of Les Maîtres sonneurs

Les Maîtres sonneurs

( Edition intégrale ) annoté

by George Sand
Language: French
Release Date: August 17, 2019

Né du drame de 48, Les Maîtres Sonneurs est celui des romans champêtres qui évoque avec le plus d’ampleur les trésors des sociétés rurales, leurs croyances occultes, leurs rites d’initiation, leurs traditions secrètes. Deux pays, deux cultures : le Berry et le Bourbonnais, le chêne et...
Cover of Rebel Lexis
by Paul Gober
Language: English
Release Date: October 9, 2016

A Science Fiction Dystopian Action Romantic Journey. Rebel Lexis: Sci-fi/Dystopian Masterpiece Pits Maverick Spaceship Captain against Seductive, Alluring & Possibly Deadly AI Computer System. Masterfully crafted by Paul Alan, the first volume in the celebrated new ‘Rings of Polaris’ series...
Cover of Il parent training
by Loredana, Benedetto
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 1, 2018

Nato nell’ambito della ricerca educativa e clinica, il parent training è un intervento psicologico destinato ai genitori che desiderano migliorare le relazioni con i figli anche di fronte a difficoltà nello sviluppo infantile (come la disabilità o i disturbi del comportamento) che rendono complessa...
Cover of Vocabulaire Français-Tchèque pour l'autoformation - 5000 mots les plus courants
by Andrey Taranov
Language: French
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Ce dictionnaire thématique tchèque de 5000 mots vous permettra de comprendre des textes simples. Il vous permettra d’acquérir de l’aisance lors de vos échanges. Associé à un cours de grammaire, il vous aidera à formuler correctement de nombreuses phrases. Lorsque vous regarderez des films...
Cover of The Rise of Kundalin

The Rise of Kundalin

A Practical Adviser

by Dietmar Kraemer
Language: English
Release Date: December 26, 2013

More and more people, who carry out a yoga practice or follow the path of meditation, experience the immense strength of the Kundalini. Often the awakening of the "serpent-power" occurs unexpectedly and unprepared. Then, it quite often occurs that the profound effects of the rise of Kundalini...
Cover of C'è vita oltre Facebook?
by Sergio Calabrese, Paolo Comolli
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 9, 2015

Un libro senza presunzione di scientificità, ma con un’analisi sempre obiettiva, puntuale e rigorosa, per quanto è consentito dalla materia trattata. Gli autori indagano, con indispensabili ironia e distacco, sul mondo di Facebook e dei social network in genere. Ne prendono in considerazione ogni...
Cover of Nuno Álvares Herói e Santo
by José Manuel de Noronha
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: September 4, 2013

Escrito em 1915, com o intuito de colmatar uma lacuna na divulgação da biografia de Nuno Álvares Pereira, este livrinho continua a ser uma interessante leitura para todos os que se interessem pelos feitos, militares e humanos, daquele que é ainda hoje considerado por muitos como o maior estratega militar da história de Portugal.
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