I I : 1183 books

Cover of #ISIS (Edition Francaise)
by I. D. Oro
Language: French
Release Date: July 11, 2018

Dunya, une jeune adolescente musulmane chiite de dix-sept ans, voyage avec sa famille dévouée au Qatar depuis Londres quand l'avion atterrit d'urgence à Beyrouth, au Liban. L'État islamique d'Iraq et du Levant (I.S. I. L.) entre de façon spectaculaire dans l'aéroport et tue les passagers après...
Cover of #ISIS (Hindi Edition)
by I. D. Oro
Language: Hindi
Release Date: July 11, 2018

Dunya एक साहसी सत्रह वर्षीय शिया मुस्लिम किशोर लड़की लंदन से कतर के लिए उसे समर्पित परिवार के साथ यात्रा कर जब विमान बेरूत,...
Cover of #ISIS (Russian Edition)
by I. D. Oro
Language: Russian
Release Date: July 11, 2018

Dunya мужественная семнадцатилетняя девочка-шиитов-мусульманка путешествует со своей преданной семьей Катару из Лондона, когда самолет совершает аварийную посадку...
Cover of #ISIS (Chinese Edition)
by I. D. Oro
Language: Chinese
Release Date: July 11, 2018

Dunya一名勇敢的十七岁的什叶派穆斯林青少年女孩正乘坐专机从伦敦前往卡塔尔,飞机在黎巴嫩贝鲁特紧急降落。伊拉克伊斯兰国和黎凡特(I. S. I. L.)以惊人的方式闯入机场,并在黎巴嫩崩溃后杀死乘客。 Dunya设法在一个令人愉快的青少年女孩的帮助下逃离。她的朋友发现伊拉克伊斯兰国和黎凡特(I....
Cover of #ISIS (Nederlandse Editie)
by I. D. Oro
Language: Dutch
Release Date: July 11, 2018

Dunya een moedig zeventienjarig sjiitische moslim tienermeisje reist met haar toegewijde familie naar Qatar vanuit Londen wanneer het vliegtuig een noodlanding maakt in Beiroet, Libanon. De Islamitische Staat van Irak en de Levant (I. S. I. L.) breekt op spectaculaire wijze het vliegveld binnen en...
Cover of #ISIS (Deutsch Ausgabe)
by I. D. Oro
Language: German
Release Date: July 11, 2018

Dunya ein mutiges siebzehnjähriges schiitisch-muslimisches Teen Girl reist mit ihrer hingebungsvollen Familie aus London nach Katar, als das Flugzeug in Beirut, Libanon, notlandet. Der Islamische Staat Irak und die Levante (I. S. I. L.) bricht spektakulär in den Flughafen ein und tötet die Passagiere...
Cover of #ISIS (Japanese Edition)
by I. D. Oro
Language: Japanese
Release Date: July 11, 2018

Dunya 17歳の勇敢なShiaムスリムの十代の女の子が、レバノンのベイルートで緊急着陸すると、彼女の献身的な家族と共にロンドンからカタールへ旅行しています。イラクのイスラム国家とレバント(I. S. I. L.)は、空港に劇的に侵入し、レバノンの崩壊後に乗客を殺します。 Dunyaは楽しい十代の女の子の助けを借りて脱出することができます。彼女の友人は、イラクのイスラム国家とレバント(I....
Cover of Osmanlı Tarihi 1
by Zehra Aydüz
Language: Turkish
Release Date: August 8, 2016

Tarih derslerinde sıkıntıdan kitap defter kenarlarına çiçek böcek resmi çizenler! "Kim kiminle nerede ne zaman savaşmış? Kim yenmiş kim yenilmiş? Mutlaka öğreneceğim!" diye kendini param param paralayanlar! "O olaylar çok eskiden yaşandı bitti. Artık açmayalım...
Cover of Muse - Ninfe - Altri Dèi
by Maria Papachristos
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 13, 2015

Nuova edizione aggiornata. Un’opera completa, unica nel suo genere, in cui i miti e le leggende dell’antica Grecia vengono esaminati e illustrati con precisione e accuratezza. Un’accurata analisi che parte dalle Divinità primordiali passando per i Titani, i Giganti, i Ciclopi, gli Dèi dell’Olimpo...
Cover of Surf God Boxed Set: The Waves Trilogy, Books 1-3
by Shannon O'Connor
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2016

For many years I've been recovering from domestic abuse and rape. For many years I've learned self-defense and training with a gun just in case I needed to use it one day. The day I've been preparing for is fast approaching--to kill my ex-husband. This is payback for him leaving me...
Cover of I Figli dei Titani - Vol. 6
by Maria Papachristos
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 31, 2015

Un’opera completa, unica nel suo genere, in cui i miti e le leggende dell’antica Grecia vengono esaminati e illustrati con precisione e accuratezza. Un’accurata analisi che parte dalle Divinità primordiali passando per i Titani, i Giganti, i Ciclopi, gli Dèi dell’Olimpo e degli Inferi, per...
Cover of Special Air Service - S.A.S.
by Silvestri - Angioni - Lombardi
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 9, 2015

Nuova edizione aggiornata. Lo Special Air Service (SAS) è il principale corpo speciale dell'esercito britannico. Questa unità fu fondata nel 1941 (seconda in tempo solo al Comsubin italiano) in Nord Africa per effettuare raid contro le linee dell'Asse, ed è oggi un modello per molte altre forze...
Cover of If I Was ... Angry At Being Ripped Off on EBAY
by Sukhraj Takhar
Language: English
Release Date: February 20, 2014

Ever been ripped off on EBAY?, It is not a nice experience!! After 12 years of using EBAY and being ripped off a few times, I thought enough was enough and wrote this guide. The 'If I Was ...' eBook collection is a free collection of eBooks on various topics. I'm trying to write in...
Cover of Zombies Scare Me 100 (Edizione Italiana)
by I. D. Oro
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 12, 2017

Gli zombi non esistono nel nostro mondo per tutti i motivi. Fino a quando ciascuno scoprirà che ci sono veri zombi negli Stati Uniti! La società crolla man mano che manca lo stato di diritto. I membri del gruppo Alternative Right o Alt-Right assassinano il nostro presidente Barack Obama e il vicepresidente...
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