Hakabooks: 32 books

Cover of Jimi Hendrix
by Jordi Bianciotto
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 3, 2014

HakaBooks reedita la versión original de este libro en formato digital, publicado en papel en 1997: "La historia del rock sigue teniendo en Jimi Hendrix a su guitarrista por excelencia. Exhibicionista, apasionado y huidizo, el autor de Purple haze marcó, durante sus cuatro años de gloria –hasta...
Cover of Algunos niños, empleos y desempleos de Alcebate
by Antonio Beneyto
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 1, 2012

Antonio Beneyto, artista y escritor postista: dice con sus dibujos, pinta con sus escritos. HakaBooks recomienda conocer más sobre este autor y su obra.
Cover of Hoyos y embrollos
by Elena O'Callaghan i Duch
Language: Spanish
Release Date: August 30, 2013

Con este libro tus hijos descubrirán, a través de la historia de un topo, un conejo y un avispado campesino, la importancia de saber negociar para adaptarnos unos a otros.
Cover of The riddle
by Katerina Halmova
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2012

Benjamin embarks on an adventure and, like a decisive detective would, he uses his imagination and intelligence to overcome the difficulties he encounters on his travels This book is about fantasy and adventure, and about how if we trust ourselves neither pirates nor elephants will stand in our way...
Cover of Tuco y Pesto
by Katerina Halmova
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 23, 2012

Tuco y Pesto es una historia divertida que nos cuenta cómo superar nuestras diferencias, a través de la amistad entre un perro, un gato, una niña y un pajarito vanidoso.? 5 a 8 años.
Cover of The Universal Reformer
by Javier Pérez Pont, Esperanza Aparicio Romero
Language: English
Release Date: July 8, 2013

How to reach a stronger and more flexible body? In this collection, Esperanza Romero and Javier Pérez Aparicio Pont, directors of the only center that imparte the original teachings of J. Pilates in Spain, show, step by step and easily, the keys to maximize the benefits of this method, which considers...
Cover of Six very bad good monster
by Katerina Halmova
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2012

What if you had to share your home with a monster family that thinks it's theirs? "Monsters" is a story about our fear of "different" and how to open windows in the walls that keep us apart from other – human or not – beings. This tale is full of values such as understanding, courage, and speaks of the gifts that await us beyond our fears.?
Cover of Ofuscas Triadas
by Iris Parra
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 1, 2012

Ofuscas Tríadas es una trilogía de poemas en prosa, imagen del tránsito, vivencia de ritos del paso; una muestra de la escritura de las mujeres más jóvenes.?
Cover of Greta and her magical flower
by Katerina Halmova
Language: English
Release Date: May 14, 2016

Beautiful illustrated e-book. Greta finds a seed and her dad teaches her about that life symbol; and through their story we learn about values that we should pass on to our children. Specially useful for parents, we advice to read it together with your children and communicate with them about what we can find between the lines of this wonderful tale.?
Cover of My family and other amilymals
by Katerina Halmova
Language: English
Release Date: May 5, 2012

In this book, with a wink to Gerald Durrel in the title, the heroine mis a different girl who sees reality in her own way. The story, though short, opens the door to a long list of subjects for thought, and reflects on how we find resolution in acceptance, through the values of love and friendship.
Cover of Tuco and Pesto
by Katerina Halmova
Language: English
Release Date: February 7, 2012

"Tuco and Pesto" is a funny history, that tells us how to surpass our differences, through the frienship between a dog, a cat, a girl and a vain small bird.
Cover of La terrorista desarmada
by Anna Vilaseca i Roca
Language: Spanish
Release Date: August 30, 2013

L'oposició al règim franquista, els grisos colpejant sense pietat els estudiants al pati de lletres de la Universitat, les reunions clandestines, els grups terroristes, tot això configura el teló de fons per a la increï història que viu l'Aurora; una dona marcada per la desaparició del seu...
Cover of The Barrels
by Javier Pérez Pont, Esperanza Aparicio Romero
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2012

The Large Barrel structure is designed to help work with the correct body alignment. Work in the Large Barrel focuses on strengthening the energy center and trunk, as well as stretch the spine, hips and legs. This appliance is essential to perform certain exercises intermediate system and is excellent...
Cover of Mi familia y otros amigales
by Katerina Halmova
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 31, 2014

Con un homenaje a Gerald Durrell implícito en el título, la autora nos conduce por un paisaje anímico real, desde la perspectiva fantástica de una niña diferente. Un cuento breve que, sin embargo, abre un sin fin de temas de reflexión, y que, desde la aceptación, encuentran resolución en los valores de amor y amistad.
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