Bruno Del Medico: 36 books

Cover of Seminare con successo per raccogliere con abbondanza
by Bruno Del Medico
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 26, 2019

Orto biologico e sinergico. Calcolo dei giorni migliori per la semina di ogni ortaggio. Un libro che fa finalmente chiarezza sull'uso delle fasi lunari nella coltivazione dell'orto, in particolare sui periodi di semina. Dopo aver spiegato come, perché e quando la luna influisce, prende questo...
Cover of Growing Chile Pepper in Your Organic Garden
by Bruno Del Medico
Language: English
Release Date: May 25, 2019

housands of cultivated variety of Chile pepper exist. It is a beloved spice and spread throughout the world, around which grew a culture that sees engaged thousands of fans. Often these transform themselves into true collectors of varieties, many of which vie for the prize for hottest Chilli...
Cover of Strange coincidences in your life.

Strange coincidences in your life.

Small curious events. Forebodings. Telepathy. Does it happen to you too? Quantum physics and the theory of synchronicity explain extrasensory phenomena.

by George Anderson
Language: English
Release Date: July 7, 2019

From the earliest developments of thought, mankind believed that some significant coincidences were signs by which a higher philosophical or divine level sought to inter-dialogue with men. In the last three centuries this had been erased from the new directions of science. Extraordinary coincidences...
Cover of Growing Okra in your vegetable garden.

Growing Okra in your vegetable garden.

Also called Gombo, Bamja, Quiabo, Ketmia, Quingambo

by Bruno Del Medico
Language: English
Release Date: June 10, 2014

48 pages. Illustrated. What is Okri. Its origin and its habitat. The varieties of Okri. The cultivation techniques. Pests and diseases. Its harvest, use, preservation. Its medicinal properties and its use in the kitchen.
Cover of Semer avec succès pour rassembler avec abundance. Jardin organique et synergique

Semer avec succès pour rassembler avec abundance. Jardin organique et synergique

Calcul des meilleurs jours pour planter chaque légume

by Bruno Del Medico
Language: French
Release Date: July 16, 2014

110 pages. Illustré. Un livre qui apporte enfin la clarté sur la façon d'utiliser les phases de la lune dans la culture des légumes. Ce livre vous fera découvrir précisément les meilleurs jours pour la plantation de chaque légume.
Cover of Che cosa mettere nell’orto. Rassegna di ortaggi noti e meno noti
by Bruno Del Medico
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 21, 2014

32 pagine. Formato cm 15x21 Un opuscolo utilissimo per ogni orticoltore. Quando ci accingiamo coltivare un orto abbiamo in mente alcuni ortaggi principali, quelli solitamente più presenti sulla nostra tavola, e ignoriamo che la gamma di varietà coltivabili è veramente...
Cover of Calendario e lunario delle semine nell’orto

Calendario e lunario delle semine nell’orto

Vademecum minimo perpetuo di consultazione per i periodi di semina e le fasi lunari favorevoli

by Bruno Del Medico
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 21, 2014

Cover of Anbau Chili Pepper
by Bruno Del Medico
Language: German
Release Date: May 28, 2019

Von den unschädlichen Bell und Poblano zu die höllischen Verhängnisvollen, Habanero**, Bhut Jolokia und Trinidad Scorpion Moruga. **Dieses Buch führt in einfacher Art und Weise, aber Anzug in der Welt der Chili Pepper und ihrer Bebauung ein. Auch kann eine kleine Terrasse genügend sein.
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