Booklassic: 1874 books

Cover of Sulle frontiere del Far West
by Emilio Salgari
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 29, 2015

La lotta spietata tra le tribu dei pellirosse ed i pionieri americani.
Cover of Terre vergini
by Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 29, 2015

"Terra vergine" e l'ultimo romanzo dello scrittore russo Ivan Turgenev, pubblicato nel 1877. Narra il fallimento dei giovani populisti del movimento dell'andata al popolo del 1874.
Cover of Eine Idee des Doctor Ox
by Jules Verne
Language: German
Release Date: June 29, 2015

Die belgische Kleinstadt Quiquendone, besteht seit 800 Jahren, hat 2393 Einwohner und liegt 15,25 km südöstlich von Brügge in Flandern an der Vaar, einem Nebenfluss der Schelde. Von dem Naturwissenschaftler Dr. Ox wird sie wegen des phlegmatischen Charakters ihrer Einwohner zum Schauplatz eines...
Cover of La trovatella di Milano
by Carolina Invernizio
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 29, 2015

I romanzi di Carolina Invernizio, con le loro trame intricate dai colori forti e le loro improbabili - o quantomeno non sempre verosimili - storie di amore e odio, si collocano nella tradizione del romanzo d'appendice o feuilleton. Mostrano infatti tutte le tematiche consuete del genere e la tipica contrapposizione netta fra eroi positivi e personaggi diabolici.
Cover of Rimas
by Rubén Darío
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 29, 2015

Rimas es una obra poética publicada en 1887. Se compone de 14 rimas de temas diversos.
Cover of Alrededor de la Luna
by Julio Verne
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 29, 2015

La historia de dos estadounidenses y un francés que deciden viajar a la luna dentro de una bala gigante. Una vez emprendido el viaje se quedan atrapados orbitando alrededor de la luna. Cuando por fin logran aterrizar, deciden ir del otro lado de la luna, es decir, del lado que nunca vemos desde la tierra. Allí descubren los rastros de una civilización selenita.
Cover of A Reversible Santa Claus
by Meredith Nicholson
Language: English
Release Date: June 29, 2015

A humorous and exciting story of a burglar who reformed on Christmas Eve and returned the things he had stolen, told in Mr. Nicholson's best vein.
Cover of Il Varmo
by Ippolito Nievo
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 29, 2015

La novella Il Varmo usci, dal marzo al maggio 1856, sull'"Annotatore Friulano". In essa, il Nievo, con una maggiore coerenza che nelle precedenti novelle, delinea il suo racconto seguendo i personaggi dalla nascita alla maturita con profonde riflessioni sulla loro vita mettendo in risalto...
Cover of Le novelle della Pescara
by Gabriele D'Annunzio
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 29, 2015

L'opera nasce come raccolta di canti, con temi diversi, che acquisiscono unitarieta proprio in relazione all'elemento caratterizzante che e il territorio. I personaggi sono presentati come impulsivi, irruenti e talvolta feroci. Come Verga, D'Annunzio si concentra sulle emozioni del popolo e sulle...
Cover of L'Île aux trente cercueils
by Maurice Leblanc
Language: French
Release Date: June 12, 2015

Trente écueils menaçants cernent l'île de Sarek en Bretagne. Les habitants superstitieux l'appellent l'île aux trente cercueils. Une légende les hante : trente victimes doivent mourir dont quatre femmes en croix. Véronique d'Hergemont, venue chercher son fils après quatorze ans d'absence, a...
Cover of Les Conteurs a la ronde
by Charles Dickens
Language: French
Release Date: June 29, 2015

De beaux contes, sous forme de «l'histoire de» : L'histoire du parent pauvre - L'histoire de l'enfant - L'histoire de quelqu'un ou La légende des deux rivieres - L'histoire de la vieille marie bonne d'enfant - L'histoire de l'hôte - L'histoire du grand-pere - L'histoire de la femme de journée...
Cover of The Man Who Saw the Future
by Edmond Moore Hamilton
Language: English
Release Date: June 18, 2015

Excerpt: Jean de Marselait read calmly on from the parchment. "It is stated by many witnesses that for long that part of Paris, called Nanley by some, has been troubled by works of the devil. Ever and anon great claps of thunder have been heard issuing from an open field there without visible...
Cover of Among the Meadow People
by Clara Dillingham Pierson
Language: English
Release Date: June 29, 2015

MANY of these stories of field life were written for the little ones of my kindergarten, and they gave so much pleasure, and aroused such a new interest in "the meadow people," that it has seemed wise to collect and add to the original number and send them out to a larger circle of boys...
Cover of Tom Swift Among the Diamond Makers
by Victor Appleton
Language: English
Release Date: June 22, 2015

While young Tom Swift is in a jewelry store shopping for a ring for Mary, he meets a man who claims to be willing to teach Tom how to make diamonds. Later, the man (who happens to be one of the party that Tom rescued in the book Tom Swift and his Wireless Message) tells Tom his story -- how he was...
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