Andra De Bondt: 12 books

Cover of Kye & les Bottes de Chat
by Andra de Bondt
Language: French
Release Date: April 8, 2015

L’histoire est celle du chat Kye. Kye n’est pas un chat "ordinaire", oh non. Malgré son apparence un peu inhabituelle, il a quelque chose attachant chez lui. Il habite le château de Galloway avec la famille royale. Une famille royale bien particulière.Kye et la Princesse Papillon...
Cover of Kye y La Señora Algodón de Azúcar
by Andra de Bondt
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 3, 2015

Todo lo que Kye quiere es ser un perezoso y soñar con comer pastel de flores de azúcar, pero cuando la señora Algodón de Azucar lo despierta de sus sueños, se embarca en una aventura para ayudarla en la cocina y descubre que todo trabajo duro tiene su recompensa.
Cover of Kye & las Botitas de Gato
by Andra de Bondt
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 22, 2015

La historia trata sobre el gatito Kye. Kye no es un gato "normal", para nada! A pesar de su extraña mirada, hay algo en él. Kye vive en el castillo de Galloway con la familia real. Es una familia real diferente, poco común. Kye y la Princesa Mariposa son los mejores amigos y cuando Kye...
Cover of Kye et Mme Barbe à Papa
by Andra de Bondt
Language: French
Release Date: April 11, 2015

Tout ce que veut Kye , c’est flâner et rêver de manger des gâteaux de fleurs en sucre, mais quand Mme Barbe à Papa brise son rêve, il se lance dans une aventure pour l'aider dans la cuisine et il découvre que finalement, travailler dur porte ses fruits.
Cover of Kye y el Globo
by Andra de Bondt
Language: English
Release Date: April 26, 2015

Cuando la Princesa Mariposa toma galletas secretamente, el cordón del globo que sujeta se resbala de sus dedos. Kye arriesga su vida para poder devolver el globo a su querida amiga.
Cover of Kye et le Ballon
by Andra de Bondt
Language: French
Release Date: May 14, 2015

Lorsque la princesse Papillon prend discrètement un biscuit, la ficelle du ballon qu’elle tient, glisse entre ses doigts. Kye risque sa vie pour rapporter le ballon à sa chère amie.
Cover of Kye & the Kitty Boots
by Andra de Bondt
Language: English
Release Date: March 14, 2015

The story is about the cat Kye. Kye is not a “normal” cat, NO. Despite his odd look, there is something endearing about him. Kye lives in the castle of Galloway with the royal family. Not a normal royal family either.Kye and Princess Butterfly are best friends and when Kye falls ill, the royal doctor suggest to buy kittyboots to get him better……isn’t that odd?!
Cover of Kye & i Stivali per Gatti
by Andra de Bondt
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 15, 2015

Le storie narrano le avventure del gatto Kye. Kye non è un gatto "normale", ma, nonostante il suo aspetto un po’ buffo, ha qualcosa d’incantevole.Lui vive nel castello di Galloway con la famiglia reale. Una famiglia reale molto insolita. Kye e la principessa Farfalla sono migliori amici,...
Cover of Kye e la Signora Zuccherofilato
by Andra de Bondt
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2015

Tutto quello che Kye vuole è essere pigro e sognare di mangiare dolci di fiori di zucchero, ma quando la signora Zuccherofilato rovina il suo sogno, si imbarca nell'avventura di aiutarla in cucina e scopre che i lavori duri, dopo tutto, pagano.
Cover of Kye and Mrs. Cottoncandy
by Andra de Bondt
Language: English
Release Date: March 29, 2015

All Kye wants is to be lazy and dream of eating sugar flower cakes, but when Mrs Cottoncandy shatters his dream, he embarks on an adventure to help her in the kitchen and discovers that hard works pays off after all.
Cover of Kye and the Balloon
by Andra de Bondt
Language: English
Release Date: April 3, 2015

When Princess Butterfly secretly takes a biscuit, the string of the balloon she is holding on to slips through her fingers. Kye risks his life to get the balloon back to his dear friend.
Cover of Kye e il Palloncino
by Andra de Bondt
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 3, 2015

Quando la principessa Farfalla prende di nascosto un biscotto, il cordino del palloncino in suo possesso le scivola tra le dita. Kye rischia la vita per recuperare il palloncino per la sua carissima amica.
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