Palibrio imprint: 621 books

by Domingo B. Lage
Language: English
Release Date: May 23, 2012

Brothers, this beautiful book purpose is to teach all those lost Paleros that one way or another, those things their sponsors have not made efforts to teach. My commitment has always been oriented, but unfortunately one of redemptive will always want to crucify as an old saying. Do not ask a favor...
by Martha Melchor
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 23, 2015

Arm el conejo negro, haba elegido amar a una conejita blanca de un listn azul en la cabeza, una desilusin en el amor para Yunny, una conejita blanca de ojos rojos que huye del dolor cruzando al otro lado del lago, dejando atrs su vida feliz de dibujos y juegos. Cansada, perdida, decepciona y no saber...

You - Are Special Like the World


by Natasha Parker
Language: English
Release Date: December 20, 2012

As we go through life sometimes we forget how much beauty there is in the World and in Nature or even how we are connected to each living thing - each and everyone of us. Please join me as a parent in helping the children of the World to remember the special gifts in them and around them. Remember...
by Adhara Martinez
Language: English
Release Date: November 22, 2011

Este pequeo cuento trata de la sinceridad y el amor que existen entre los sentimientos maternales hacia un hijo, demostrndolo con paciencia y amor. La sinceridad de Jabn al confiarle a su mama la experiencia que haba experimentado. Espero que este cuento sirva a muchos padres de familia, brindndoles...

Fatal Illusion

Dreams, Drugs, Death and Redemption

by Luz Garcia
Language: English
Release Date: July 31, 2012

I wrote this book aiming to wake up the conscience of the youth who had fallen prey in the jaws of a beast called La vida loca. It is world of fatal illusion scandalized by Holywood and rap music, giving the impression that you can achieve anything you have dreamt of without having to face the consequences...
by Neder Abdelli
Language: English
Release Date: March 5, 2012

The Unvanquished Man narrates the story of an old American man, he is a scientist and a researcher specialized in the alternative medicine who invents a plant which components make a man many times stronger than he is. This magical discovery comes in the hands of a boxer's manager who will use it in order to create a legendary boxer, then events will follow

Despertar De La Locura Al Amor

Poemas, Frases, Reflexiones Y Cuentos

by Gustavo Estrada Luque
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 11, 2014

Es una coleccin de poemas, frases, reflexiones y cuentos que abre una ventana hacia el interior de una mente dormida que desea despertar. Pequeos destellos de consciencia que permiten descubrir el miedo guardado en nuestra memoria y convertido en el mayor obstculo para lograr la ansiada felicidad...
by Javier Valles, Judith Licea de Arenas
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 24, 2014

El perodo de la historia de Mxico conocido como la Intervencin Francesa y Segundo Imperio Mexicano, es una etapa apasionada y apasionante. La suspensin de los pagos de la deuda externa del pas en 1861, por el Gobierno del Presidente Benito Jurez, va a servir de pretexto para que Francia enve a Mxico...
by Luz del Carmen Vilchis Esquivel
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 28, 2018

El objeto de estudio de esta investigación es la portada de la Iglesia anexa al Convento de Acolman. Las relaciones interdisciplinarias y metodológicas con base en las cuales se desarrolló este acercamiento son la historiografía, la iconografía y el análisis de la forma con la intención de...
by Luz del Carmen Vilchis Esquivel
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 28, 2018

La investigación que se presenta en el libro Grafiti, del anonimato a la pasarela, es resultado de más de una década de observar, analizar e interpretar esta manifestación gráfica desde diversas ópticas. Cuando el proyecto inició, se trataba de argumentar que el grafiti era una modalidad anónima...
by Mario Alejandro Arellano Morales
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 20, 2014

En este libro se analizan los rasgos y factores determinantes que han propiciado los cambios en la estructura productiva y el desarrollo industrial de Mxico, especficamente en la industria manufacturera, en el marco de las reformas estructurales aplicadas a lo largo de las tres ltimas dcadas. El objetivo...
by Jesus Trejo Mora
Language: English
Release Date: December 30, 2011

After completing this research for several years. Writing this book was very hard work, questions and discussions with ministers, priests and religious leaders, but it helped me organize my thoughts. Although some were experts who forced me to force my mind, but from what I had expected. Seeking...
by Víctor Chávez Gómez
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 16, 2016

Cuando el amor se acaba, no es que haya muerto, el amor no muere, solamente cambia de domicilio, esto es difcil de manejar porque generalmente pesa ms en el nimo de uno de los dos involucrados, empezando a vivir as el amor en desamor. El amor es un sentimiento que se debe cultivar da tras da, es una...
by Christian Jaramillo
Language: English
Release Date: December 20, 2010

Philosopher and historian Christian Jaramillo puts forward new and revolutionary approaches to understanding God, the stances that religions should adopt, the development of science, and the States role in the pursuit of human freedom. By studying the evolution of mankind and its religious societies...
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